Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Apple IPods

Apple Ipods- Cool Cash For Apple
By David Faulkner

From the time the first Apple iPods appeared in 2001, to the fifth generation iPod video with it 80GB capacity, Apple iPods have relentlessly wormed (excuse the choice of words) their ways into the must-have vocabulary of those below the age of twenty-five. Apple iPods are no longer luxury toys; they have become the “to die for” technology of their targeted demographic.

And what exactly was involved in bringing the Apple iPod to the forefront of brand recognition in the six years of its existence? What the genius behind the iPod marketing strategy? The short answer is that if you build a better mousetrap, you’ll get grateful mouse haters who buy it and put it in the basement to do its work. But if you build a really cool mousetrap, which looks good enough to hang on a chain and dangle from your neck, you just may attract a crowd who have no particular problem with mice but are determined to have the world admire their cool.

Apple iPod Benefit Marketing

While it helped that the original Apple iPod actually did something a little more appealing than catch mice, the benefits it offered to consumers were available in several other brands of mp3 players. Enter benefit marketing, a classic form of advertising which emphasizes some particular aspects of a product, hinting that they are newer, or bigger, or more improved than the same aspects of competing products.

If a manufacturer is actually lucky enough to come up with a completely new benefit, it cab build a benefit marketing plan to distinguish a product from several competing ones. If the public buys the marketing, that product is the winning ticket to the Marketing Lottery Powerball Jackpot.

The Apple iPod came into the world loaded with the next best thing to sex appeal: coolness. The iPod was still in its infancy when it became suspended from countless Hollywood, rock star, and athletic necks. It became a signature wardrobe item for numerous television series and films targeted at the under twenty-five audience; and Apple was right there to capitalize on the free advertising.

The Big Names wanted to bask what they perceived as the coolness of Apple iPods, and Apple used the Big Names to persuade the rest of us that the iPods were as cool as the Big Names perceived them to be. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and the iPod has ascended to the stratosphere of the mp3 market.

The temperature in the stratosphere, by the way, is about 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Cool, indeed.

You can also find more info on Ipod Accessories and Ipod Battery. is a comprehensive resource to know about iPods.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Effective Parenting Skills

Effective Parenting Skills - Kids Learn A Lot of Skills From The World Of Play
By Ken Mathie

For children, play is their work. It is naturally enjoyable, of course, but more than that, it is their way of learning about the world. It helps them naturally engage in things that interest them. Therefore, play should be led by the child or at least inspired by the child, in order for it to remain relevant and meaningful to them.

When children are at play in a positive fashion, they happily lose themselves in what they are doing. They live in their own realm of imagination and can explore and examine at leisure. Many times, they can pull their parents in by saying, "Lets play, mom," and mom, too, then can enter into that childlike world once again.

In addition to children, young infants also immerse themselves in play activities. They do so because they need to make sense of the world around them. Play gives very young children the means to experience the world through their own eyes, which is vital for their development. Peekaboo is one such game; although this simply seems silly and fun to adults, babies rejoice in the surprise they feel every time they see the faces of the people they love reemerge over and over.

Stages of Play

As toddlers, children experience a growth spurt and a rapid increase in motor development. Because of this, they are driven to manually explore literally everything they can get their hands on. They can fiddle with everything from a construction toy to the box it came in. Toddlers also explore the world by continually babbling as they learn the language they were born into. They can also dance spontaneously, and wiggle with absolute joy or imitate finger plays with mom and dad.

As preschoolers, children began to do what is called "parallel play," in which they play alongside peers but not necessarily with them. As children get older, they actually begin to interact with peers in their play, so that friends become fully involved in their ongoing imaginative games. Increased ability, both physical and motor, as well as imaginative, allows them to extend their play from indoors to out, from simple play with stuffed animals to table games, to dramatic games and outdoor activities.

Benefits of Play

As stated above, play is no laughing matter, even though it is, of course, fun. In fact, play is simply a childrens way of exploring and making sense of the world. Therefore, it is really necessary. Some reasons why include:

1. Play is absolute pure and utter joy.

For the toddler who uses the empty box as a car and imagines driving down the highway just as mom or dad does going to work, imaginative play helps him understand mom and dad's world from his point of view. And of course, he exhibits a sheer joy when he does this that many adults may be slightly envious of.

2. Play develops socio-emotional learning.

As children play, they develop competence, confidence and independence in the new situations they encounter there. The 10-month-old who shrieks with joy at her stuffed toy and a 10-year-old playing basketball with his friends both are learning age-appropriate rules and social norms in the process. The baby learns to wait for her toy with patience, while the boy learns to deal with the possibility of losing the game, and with being a good sport regardless.

3. Play develops physical and motor development.

Because play often encompasses the use of every sense, including the body and use of the extremities, children not only exercise their minds, but their bodies as well; they develop physical strength, ease of movement, and balance and coordination.

Perceptual motor ability, which is the capacity to coordinate what you perceive with how you move, is a basic skill every preschooler needs to develop. Three-year-olds do this by digging, scooping and pouring sand into a container, which helps them develop a sense of balance between the perception of the space in front of them and hand movements, so that he follows through properly with the appropriate motor activity.

4. Play helps develop cognitive learning.

Play is very important to a child's intellectual development. To learn properly, children need to learn to decipher words, numbers and other forms of higher intellectual functioning. When children are very young, symbols will not mean anything to them, because young children have not yet learned to make the leap in reasoning that abstract thinking requires. Play helps teach children to understand these symbolic relationships better in ways that are truly fun and meaningful to them. For example, a child can play when he or she learns that two plus three equals five. This can be done, for example, by having a parent sit down with several blocks and showing the child by an arrangement on the table just what two plus three equals five entails. You can start by grouping two blocks together and three blocks together and then push them together to say, "Equals five." In this way, the child learns to translate abstract concepts like addition into very concrete examples that he or she can understand.

Older children, similarly, can learn things like math concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, by doing game scores. Applying these types of skills to practical applications is what will help children of any age learn best.

5. Play enhances language development.

Beginning with infants and toddlers, play can help facilitate language development. Toddlers especially will need to be immersed in language continually so that they can imitate what they hear, although this is also important for infants. Children who have learned to speak learn best from songs and rhymes that are both fun and educational, in that the songs use rhyme, alliteration and consonance, for example, so that they are easy to remember, fun and very easy to imitate. This helps children begin to understand how language works.

When children play with toys, adults can facilitate learning by modeling how they can use language to label objects or describe an event. When they play, preschoolers use language to interact with each other, communicate ideas, and can also learn information by listening to older children and adults teach them things.

6. Play encourages creativity.

With very young children, imagination is the way to go. Young children can use imagination to learn just about anything. Suddenly, simple play clay becomes spaghetti with meat sauce, a blanket becomes Superman's cape, or an overturned coffee can becomes a makeshift drum. Just about whatever children wish to express can be done through play. In this way, they can master what they know through practice and then show new skills off, express themselves, and create endlessly.

7. Play provides opportunities to bond between the child and another person, such as parent and child.

Play is vitally important in a childrens development. It lets children interact with others, experiment, and can even help with moral development. Parents can use play to encourage and support their children's development.

To start, let your child take the lead in the play. Let the child initiate the activity, set the theme of play, and establish parameters. In this way, play is a venue for children to be in control in a world where they are so often controlled by others. This helps develop competency and a sense of mastery in the child that better helps him or her develop confidence later in life. It is also a perfect opportunity to let your childrens unique talents develop.

You can help your child develop his sense of competency by allowing him to figure things out for himself, without pressure or a sense of "right" or "wrong." For example, if a child is learning how to figure out a puzzle, stop yourself from helping at first. Let the child literally "puzzle" over the puzzle without any interference from you. Not only will the child figure it out eventually, but he may even come up with more creative ways to use the puzzle than you could have thought of. When the task has been completed successfully, congratulate the child on a job well done.

As you play with your child, watch your child for signals as to what he or she needs you to do. Do you need to be an active participant in the activity? Do you need to provide some encouragement? Is it time to gently stop the activity, clean up and have lunch, if the child is hungry?

Whatever needs to be done, it's true that although you let the child take the lead, you can maintain control of the situation enough so that you have ultimate control over when it starts and stops and what happens during it.

8. Have a play plan.

If possible, have a loose plan in place for you and your child to spend time playing together each day. One good way to do this is to use your childrens self-care chores to begin to play together. For example, brushing teeth or washing the face does not have to be all business. You can use brushing the teeth (along with the childrens imagination), to encourage the child to have fun during the process. Similarly, you can use washing my face as a brief opportunity to play peekaboo, if time permits.

You can also do this with household chores. Children love to help, and this is a perfect opportunity to begin to foster a sense of responsibility to the outside world. Let your toddler use his or her own toy vacuum cleaner to "help" you vacuum when you do. When you fold clothes, give him or her a couple of pieces of toweling to fold and play with. When you wash dishes, save a couple of unbreakable pieces out and let the child play in soapy water and begin to learn how to wash dishes.

In this way, the child begins to learn a sense of responsibility along with the sense of play. Older siblings and grandparents, too, can learn to foster this in the child as they are included in your play "plan of action." Discount Baby Clothes, Gifts and Toys Australia" - The online baby & kids clothing boutique where we connect you with...The best available price for, kids clothing, baby wear, designer baby clothing, designer kids clothing, boutique babywear, blankets, shoes & boots, nursery equipment, nappies, baby gifts, bags, bibs, books, feeding, toys, and MUCH MORE! Discount Baby Clothes Click Here Now

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Monday, July 16, 2007

How Nashville Became Music City

How Nashville Became Music City
By K. Lively

So why is Nashville called "Music City, USA?" It seems like a rather bold statement to claim all of music for one area of the country, especially when the roots of various styles may be found all over. One might think other cities should vie for the title: New York City for its bustling live music scenes and studios, Seattle for the many bands who influenced the last few decades of rock, or Detroit for giving us the Motown sound. Why Nashville?

For more than two centuries, music has shaped the history of Nashville, Tennessee, and in return Nashville gave the world the gift of many a talented singer and songwriter. Today, Music City still attracts not only visitors with a song in their hearts, but also thousands of songwriters, musicians, singers, producers and engineers hoping to make a break in the industry. Not everybody who comes to town is as famous as an Elvis or Dolly, but there have been people involved in helping Nashville earn the moniker of Music City, USA.

Did you know...

Music City has hosted some of the biggest names in the industry? Elvis, Bob Dylan, Roy Orbison, Kansas, REM, Matchbox 20, Jimmy Buffett, and Neil Young are just a few of the performers who have recorded their biggest hits in Nashville studios.

One of the last vinyl record manufacturers is based in Nashville. United Record has been open since 1949 and has pressed millions of records for artists like Elvis Presley, Lionel Richie, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and N’Sync.

When Jimi Hendrix was starting out, he played many Nashville clubs in the Jefferson Street district.

In 1941, Nashville was granted the first FM-broadcasting license in the United States and Music City became the first to enjoy static-free radio.

Nashville's history is filled with numerous stories of music and the artists who inspired and created classic songs enjoyed all over the world. When you visit Nashville this year for your vacation, pay close attention to everything around you. You just may be witnessing music history in Music City.

K. Lively assists the Nashville Convention and Visitors Bureau with promoting Nashville as Music City, USA, the ideal travel destination for music lovers and anyone interested in summer fun, sunshine, and great food.

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

How To Save Money On Your Car Insurance

How To Save Money On Your Car Insurance
By T. O' Donnell

Tip 1: Give the car insurance company all details that they require. Details regarding your annual mileage, your car's safety features and installed equipment, zip code, marital status and your driving record would be needed to ascertain all the discounts you may qualify for. This will help the company give you the best quote possible. In the absence of these details, the insurance company will quote their highest price. This is just to cover themselves, so you can't wave it in their face later, if it turns out you're not an optimum risk.

Tip 2: To cover your car according to your needs, you may get insurance quotes that could vary up to 300%, meaning if one company quotes £1000, another may quote £3000 for the same car and the same coverage. Just by comparing quotes from various companies, you could end up saving hundreds of bucks annually. Even your old car insurance company may be offering lower rates to new customers. You can negotiate the same deal for yourself.

Tip 3: If there's anyway to reduce your annual mileage, do it. Most companies have discounts for cars that do less than 40 miles a day on an average. Travelling by train or flying for vacations can also help reduce miles on your car. This will cut a lot of precious dollars off your insurance quote.

Tip 4: Switching drivers could be a good option. A few more quid could be shaved off the insurance quote, if a female driver drives a truck or a male driver drives a minivan. Teenage drivers need to be insured on a family car or a sedan instead of a sports car. Ultimately the insurance company looks at the risk of covering your car. The lesser the risk, the lesser is the car insurance quote.

Tip 5: Bump up your 'excess'. In the UK you are at liberty to increase the amount you'll pay in the event of a claim, before the insurance company stumps up. If the minimum they ask for is £100, but you volunteer £500, your premiums can be lower.

Tip 6: Get 'third party fire and theft' on older cars. Old Bessy is not worth getting 'fully comp' on. Three years of fully comprehensive may be worth more than the car itself!

Tip 7: Buy a mediocre car. A smart car is a thief magnet, and is usually more powerful. Drivers are likely to drive more recklessly in a sports car. Some are expensive to repair. These factors cause the premium to be higher.

Do your research before you buy. Before you buy a new or used car, check into insurance costs. Premiums are based in part on the car's price, repair costs, its overall safety record, and the likelihood of it being stolen.

T. O' Donnell is a licenced credit broker based in London, UK.

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Saturday, July 14, 2007

Crock Pot Recipes - Shredded Beef

Shredded Beef From My Crock-Pot to Yours
By Pam Cole

This is the easiest recipe ever and really quite versatile. Many of my simple recipes require a crock pot so make the investment now and you'll feel like you hired a personal chef. I love opening up my front door to the smell of a fresh cooked meal at the end of the day. This one takes less than 5 minutes before you head out in the morning and then a moment or two of shredding before serving.

My kids are picky eaters and they love this one. My husband is fine with left-overs but for those who aren't so lucky, the multiple uses for this meat will please even the biggest leftover snob!

Here's the recipe:

1 lb. stew beef (also fine with any kind of beef but the stew beef shreds easier)

1 can cream of celery (or really cream of anything!)

1 can crushed green chilis

(you can double or triple the recipe as long as it doesn't fill the crock pot. optimum is between 50-75% full)

Crock pot on high 6 - 8 hours (or more - just add some water to compensate for extra time). Shred apart with a couple forks.

TIP: you can even put the meat in the crock pot when it's frozen. Crock pots are just so darned accommodating to your circumstances!

Great on rice or noodles. I strongly suggest the new 90 minute rice from Uncle Bens. It's done in a flash and is perfectly sized for one dinner.

Also good on taco salad or in tacos. Make a double batch and freeze the rest for next time. Thaws perfectly.

Pam is the owner of and retired marketing director for Honeybaked in Michigan. As anyone with kids can understand, the move was made in order to have more flexibility with the family. Hobbies include cooking and entertaining and finding clever new ways to make a meal easier or better. Also fond of water sports, Samoyeds, cats and small red head children.
For more of my recipes and cooking tips, go to An inviting place for sugar and honey glazed baked ham, dinners, gifts and clever conversation.

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

How To Have A Pleasant Hawaii Vacation - Part 1

How To Have A Pleasant Hawaii Vacation - Part 1
By Carlos Silva

One of the most important things to do to have a pleasant vacation to Hawaii is to go to the best places in Hawaii.

In my opinion, to really enjoy Hawaii you must visit:

1. Waikiki Beach at Oahu, where you can learn to surf, or just sip a cocktail on the world's most famous beach.

2. Pearl Harbor also at Oahu, where you will relive December 7, 1941 - the "day that will live in infamy" - by visiting the sunken USS Arizona.

3. Kilauea Eruption at Big Island, where you will see that the Big Island gets bigger day by day, thanks to the spectacular eruption of its youngest volcano, Kilauea.

4. Lahaina at Maui is one of the most characterful historic towns in Hawaii, was a former whaling port

5. Downhill biking also at Maui: Freewheel forty miles down the slopes of Maui's mighty Haleakala volcano.

6. Lumahai Beach at Kauai is superb beach that has featured in countless movies. Not to be missed, but may be a little bit dangerous.

7. Kalalau Trail also at Kauai: The magnificent Na Pali coastline of Kauai can be admired from one of the world's greatest hiking trails.

To have a Pleasant Hawaii Vacation, you must also plan carefully your trip, and if you are planning to go to hawaii you must know some facts:


Honolulu is just under six hours by plane from the US west coast. This is one of the world's busiest centers for air traffic;

There are also direct flights from the mainland to Maui, the Big Island and Kauai.

Many flights to the US from Australia - such as those on Continental - include free stopovers in Hawaii.

European travelers should buy all-inclusive tickets from Europe.

The principal inter-island carriers are Hawaiian Airlines and Aloha Air together with its subsidiary Island Air. They connect all the major islands several times per day.

Car rental:

All the airports in Hawaii have car rental;

bus services:

Bus services on the islands barely exist, with the exception of Oahu.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Cowboy Capital of the World - Bandera, Texas

Bandera, Texas: Cowboy Capital of the World
By Paris Permenter

Wanna be a cowboy? That's an easy order to fill in Bandera, Texas, nicknamed "The Cowboy Capital of the World." In this community, located 50 miles northwest of San Antonio on TX 16, you can’t toss a horseshoe without hitting a dude ranch, rodeo ground, western wear store, or dance hall.

Bandera’s Western heritage is a big draw to today’s travelers but its roots date back to the founding days of Texas. Bandera Pass, located twelve miles north on TX 173, was first the site of numerous battles between the Spanish conquistadors and both Apache and Comanche Indians. According to one local legend, a flag (or bandera in Spanish) was placed here to mark the border between the forces.

Today the Wild West atmosphere lives on both in town and in the surrounding dude ranches. Whether you’d like to "cowboy up" for a few days at a dude ranch or just grab some boots and dance to Western tunes along Main Street, Bandera has plenty of opportunities to get in touch with your inner cowboy.

Dude Ranches: Bandera is well known for its many dude ranches, the perfect way for you and your family to experience life as a cowboy for a few days. Properties like the Flying L Guest Ranch, the Mayan Ranch, Dixie Dude Ranch, and Twin Elm Guest Ranch will keep you busy with horseback rides, hayrides, fishing, cookouts, and more. You don’t have to have any previous riding experience to enjoy the ranches. Typically the guest rates include three meals a day as well as Western entertainment and even supervised kids' programs. During the peak summer months, expect a minimum stay at many ranches.

Rodeos: Bandera is also synonymous with rodeos. One favorite held every Tuesday and Friday through the summer is at the Twin Elm Guest Ranch. For professional action, check out the Cowboy Capital PRCA Rodeo, held in May.

Honky Tonks: Another city might call them nightclubs, but there's nothing fancy about Bandera; this town proudly calls their downtown bars honky tonks. Live country music can be found most nights. One of the best known is Arkey Blue’s Silver Dollar. Don’t miss the sawdust-covered floor (to encourage plenty of boot-scootin’). Also on Main Street, the Cabaret Dancehall has shook to the sounds of country music for seven decades and often hosts many big name acts.

Cowboys on Main: During the warm weather months, downtown Bandera is transformed with a Saturday event called Cowboys on Main. Scheduled from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. right on Main Street, the event features horseback riding cowboys, storytellers, trick ropers, musicians, and a lot more. The event is sponsored by the Frontier Times Museum’s Living History Project. Save some time for a sop at the Frontier Times Museum. The museum dates back to 1927 and is a good place to learn more about Bandera's early days through cowboy paraphernalia, Native American arrowheads, and prehistoric artifacts.

For more information on vacationing in Bandera, call the Bandera Convention and Visitors Bureau at 800.364.3833 or 830.796.3045.

Paris Permenter and John Bigley are Texas guidebook authors and the editors of Travel Guide, an online guide to vacationing in Texas.

Article Source:,-Texas:-Cowboy-Capital-of-the-World&id=297159

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Building Your Lake House

Building Your Lake Home
By Jim Raboin

You might have a dream of building a lake home for retirement, for enjoying summers at the lake or for an investment. No matter what your reason for owning a lake home by starting out with a good builder and knowing some of the basics about home building, you will be able to have a positive experience during the home building process.

Start by looking in your area for a builder that suits your needs and has a good reputation in the area. Make sure that the builder is sensitive to your needs and will listen to what you want in a lake home. Notice whether promises are kept or broken. Some contractors are skilled at giving good impressions early but lack the character to do what they say. You can save yourself many headaches by learning to spot this deficiency early on.

Ask your builder the following questions:

  1. How many years of experience do you have in building lake homes?

  2. What special skills and qualifications do you have to offer?

  3. What happens if the project goes over-budget?

  4. What type of homes do you normally build?

  5. How much input will we have into the design of the home?

  6. Are you licensed and insured?

  7. Who is responsible to get building permits?

Take your time when looking for a builder. Some of the best builders in the area may be booked up several months in advance, but they also may be able to fit you in as many times builders work on several homes at one time. For instance, as the concrete is drying and setting up at one location, they may be doing the framing on another home.

Have a one-on-one meeting with the builder and see if he/she is open to your ideas and suggestions. Does the builder give you his/her complete attention? Or is he busy taking phone calls during your meeting? If so, the builder might not devote his/her full attention to your project. Then ask to meet some of the key staff who will be working on the home. Do the employees seem professional and interested in their work?

By taking your time when looking for a builder, you will go a long way in the process of having what you want in your lake home. Make your dream home a reality by taking things one step at a time - and starting with a qualified builder.

For more information about what to look for when building your lake home go

Jim Raboin and Larry McCulley are co-owners of BlueStone Construction ( and have over 20 years of experience in the building industry. Jim has been in the building industry since the early 1990's and is a visionary who has built BlueStone on the idea of giving more than is expected. Jim has close to 15 years of residential construction experience and is fast becoming known as a new kind of developer/construction leader in the Brainerd Lakes region. Larry McCulley has been in the building industry since 2000. He has built BlueStone by taking what he has learned from our clients and creating truly unique lakehomes that reflect their lifestyles. Achieving excellence through relationship building is his passion. Larry has 7 years of commercial and residential construction experience and received his bachelor’s degree in construction management from Minnesota State University Moorhead.

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Monday, July 9, 2007

Finding Jewelry Online

Online Jewelry
By Gerald Bergam

There was a time when buying jewelery online was not really a common act for jewelery buyers, and most people would not even think of going to the Internet to do their shopping. Perhaps it is because they felt more comfortable visiting their local retailer rather than shopping for an expensive and valuable item from a virtual one. Whatever the reason, the idea of buying jewelery online is still strange for some people.

But times are changing fast, and more and more jewelery shops are setting up websites from which you can buy jewelery online. In fact, several jewelers have already established their reputations online like Gerald Online. Online jewelers usually would have a wider range of products than a normal shop, and you could find everything from Diamond rings to Gold earrings. Some online shops even feature exclusive items that customers will not find anywhere else, which makes online shopping even better than going to your local jeweler. It is no longer strange to see people regularly buying high quality jewelery online. This is good news for shoppers and retailers, since online shopping offers a lot of benefits for both of them. jewelers can make huge profits by having an online shop as it requires less people and less investment than a normal shop, with usually more profits.

So next time you are looking for jewelery, try buying your jewelery online to experience the faster service and the great deals offered. It is very easy to find any item you want, and even easier to buy one, and you would usually have the same guaranty whether you buy online or not. The next time you buy jewelery, make sure you visit the Internet first. You could easily compare prices and save a lot of money and time, just by buying online.

Gerald Online is an

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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Talking About Motorcycles

Let's Talk Motorcycles
By Tony Harries

Motorcycles are cheap to run, exciting to ride and a quick way to travel through traffic. Styles of motorcycles vary depending on the task for which they are designed, such as long distance travel, navigating congested urban traffic, cruising, sport and racing, or off-road conditions.

In many parts of the world, motorcycles are among the least expensive and most widespread forms of motorised transport. After the Second World War, the BSA Group became the largest producer of motorcycles in the world, producing up to 75,000 bikes a year in the 1950s.

Almost all commercially available motorcycles are driven by conventional gasoline internal combustion engines, but some small scooter-type models use an electric motor, and a very small number of diesel models exist. Liquid-cooled motorcycles have a radiator (exactly like the radiator on a car) which is the primary way their heat is dispersed. Liquid cooled motorcycles have the potential for greater power at a given displacement, tighter tolerances, and longer operating life, whereas air cooled motorcycles are potentially cheaper to purchase, less mechanically complex and lighter weight.

Only the largest touring motorcycles and a few models that are routinely used with a sidecar or converted to tricycle configuration are fitted with a reverse gear. At one time, motorcycles all used spoke wheels built up from separate components , but, except for dirtbikes, one-piece wheels are more common now. Brakes can either be drum or disc based, with disc brakes being more common on large, modern or more expensive motorcycles for their far superior stopping power, particularly in wet conditions.

Modern designs have the two wheels of a motorcycle connected to the chassis by a suspension arrangement, however 'chopper' style motorcycles often elect to forgo rear suspension, using a rigid frame. As can be seen from the streamlined appearance of new performance motorcycles, there is much aerodynamic technology included in the design. Modern fairings on touring and sport-touring motorcycles dramatically improve a rider's comfort and attention on long rides by reducing the effect of the wind and rain on the body.

While the reasons for people choosing to ride motorcycles are many and varied, those reasons are increasingly practical, with riders opting for a powered two-wheeler as a cost-efficient alternative to infrequent and expensive public transport systems, or as a means of avoiding or reducing the effects of urban congestion.

Motorcycles from a number of manufacturers now have electric windshields, which raise and lower the windshield with the push of a button to the optimum height for conditions.

In England, motorcycles are exempt from the £8 per day London congestion charge other vehicles have to pay to enter the city during the day.

In many cultures, motorcycles are the primary means of motorized transport.

Electric motorcycles are emission free during operation, producing the electricity that charges the batteries in them can be a cause of pollution. Street customs: Highly customised motorcycles with wild paint jobs also built for show, but constructed from a sport bike frame instead of a cruiser-style frame.

The chassis (or frame) of a motorcycle is typically made from welded aluminum or steel (or alloy) struts, with the rear suspension being an integral component in the design.

Tony Harries

New and Used Motorcycles can be found at

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