Legitimate Excuses for Getting Out of Jury Duty
By Kelsey Barnett
While most individuals are less than keen on the idea of serving on jury duty, there are a limited number of viable excuses that actually allow them to get out of it. For that reason, it’s important for anyone who believes they might not be able to serve to review the list of viable excuses and make sure their excuse is listed. Otherwise, you may be required to present a specific case and reason for being excused to the court workers or even the judge.
Initially, if you do have a good reason to get out of jury duty, you can write to the court via the questionnaire and relate your reason for requesting an exemption. However, if you wait too long, you will be required to complete the call in process until you are selected to visit the courthouse, at which time you can present your reasons for being unable to serve in person.
The first reason an individual might try to get out of jury duty is if they are older than 70 years old. This is the simplest way to get out of jury duty as proof of age is all that’s required. Another common way is if you are responsible for the care of children or the elderly. Proving this is also relatively simple but might require further phone conversations. Regardless, if you have children and are called for jury duty, it is highly feasible that you can get out of it.
Additionally, members of the volunteer firefighter or ambulance crews are given leave to excuse themselves from jury duty. Already serving more than their fair civic duty, they are immediately excused.
If your role in a business is so vital that your absence could cause failure to the business, you are also exempt from jury duty. This often applies to those who own small businesses and cannot replace themselves in the workplace for as long as a trial might take. Other occupations that are exempt include attorneys, doctors, nurses and dentists. Each of these professions is a vital part of society and therefore excused from jury duty.
If you are physically incapable of reaching the courthouse, you are also exempt. Initially, this means that you do not have a car and cannot use the bus or other form of public transportation. However, it extends to include exemptions for disabilities as well.
Most excuses that require explanation must be made at the courthouse during the jury selection process. These include any excuses made on the behalf of family care or work responsibilities. You will need to report for the selection process and make your argument there.
Ultimately, it is unwise to openly ignore a jury duty summons. Because it is a demand from the court and not a request, it is your legal obligation to honor it or present an excuse that they accept for not honoring it. If you choose to ignore the summons, you could be subject to criminal prosecution.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kelsey_Barnett