Spring and Summer seasons are prime time fishing months. Fishing can be very relaxing, over-looking the water, whether you're on the beach or on a boat. It is also rewarding if you catch the fish. Whether you throw them back to sea or take them home and eat them, it's a great feeling. Fishing takes time and patience. If you don't have patience I don't recommend fishing. Fishing is not just for one person, it's a great activity for the whole family.
If you are new to fishing there is basic equipment needed to complete your new adventure into fishing.Importantly all equipment must match, knowing the line type and matching the reel. Most fishing rods for beginners are sold as the set. There are many different fishing rods in many sizes, for adults and for children.
When shopping for your fishing rod look for grips, or handles, they either come in cork or foam. The rod will be sold in different lenghths be sure to get the one that is most comfortable for you. Also, slightly bend it to get the feel of it. Look at the reel seat, where the reel is connected. Rember that comfortablity is key.
Rods of any types will work. The best, should be six feet long and medium weight. This should be long, straight and flexible so it won't easily break. The most popular rod is Graphite because it is light but very strong. Wispy rods should be up to 4m long to be used for long casts in moderate winds. There are different fishing lines, they are mostly made of nylon and "monofilament" that comes in spools of different lengths.
There are many fishing lines to choose from and it can be very confusing to find the best. The larger the fishing line the thicker in diameter. If you experience the reel turning into a knotted mess, don't worry, even experienced fishermen go through this now and then.
Don't forget the other basics, a net stringer, line clippers, fishing knife, first aid kit, and a pail of bait. Also you personal basics, sunglasses, suntan lotion, chair to sit on, and most importantly your cooler full of snacks and drinks.
You need to understand the mechanics of the reel and the other equipment. Learning to cast, tie knots and bait are not that complicated. Secondly, you need to learn where to fish. Successful fishermen know where the fish are located. Fish move from place to place and knowledgeable anglers understand these patterns and are able to anticipate where the fish are located.
Michelle Johnson - Visit her review site on Fishing at http://fishing-besthomemadebait.blogspot.com . Keep an eye out more reviews to be coming out soon.
Thought you might enjoy this. Talk to you again soon.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
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