Sunday, November 25, 2007

Federal Government Stafford Student Loans

An Introduction To The Principles Of The Federal Government Stafford Student Loans Scheme
by Donald Saunders

More than forty years ago now back in 1965 Congress set up the Federal Family Education Loan Program to give financial aid to students. One element of this program is Stafford loans which were originally designed only to help those students in very real financial need but which today make up in excess of 90% of all Federal student loans.

Over the years Stafford loans have altered to take account of changing conditions and today there are two forms of the loan - subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans.

In the case of subsidized loans the Federal Government takes responsibility for the payment of any interest which accrues on a loan from the date on which the loan is issued until the student is required to start making repayments. Usually a student does not have to make repayments while he is enrolled in a program of study which is classed as being a 'half-time' or greater course of study and for a period of up to six months after the end of his course. However, a student can start making payments earlier if he so chooses.

Since the interest on the loan is being subsidized, these loans are generally granted only on the basis of need and aid officials will consider both a student's and his family's income when determining whether a student qualifies for a subsidized Stafford loan. Students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid application form which includes details of income and each student will then be assigned a number referred to as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated from the income figures provided.

Around two-thirds of subsidized Stafford loans are granted to students with parents who have an Adjusted Gross Income of under $50,000 a year. A further one-quarter are granted to those in the $50-100,000 a year range. At this point however the meaning of 'need' becomes a bit blurred and slightly under one-tenth of loans are provided to students whose combined family income is over $100,000.

For those students who do not meet the requirements for a subsidized loan most will qualify for an unsubsidized Stafford loan. The major difference here is that the student have got to meet all interest payments on the loan, though once again payment do not usually start until six months after the end of the student's course of study.

The mechanics of an unsubsidized Stafford loan means that a loan can be reasonably costly because the interest accumulates over the period of study and so the capital sum on which repayment will eventually need to be made will also increase. Let us take an extremely simplified example.

Let us assume that a student borrows the sum of $5,000 in his first year at an interest rate of 6.8%. After one year the interest due is $340 which will be added to the loan capital. During the next year the student will then accrue interest on the new capital sum of $5,340 at 6.8% which will come to roughly $363 increasing the total borrowed at the end of the second year to $5,703. Naturally this example is not completely accurate because interest is in fact calculated and added monthly but it does nonetheless demonstrate the principles of this form of loan.

Dependent upon the amount of money which is borrowed every year and the time before repayment begins you can see that a student can pay a quite high price for delaying the repayment of a Stafford loan.

In spite of the apparently high cost it ought to be remembered that many of the alternative methods of meeting the cost of a college education are considerably more costly and that many students could simply not afford to attend college without a Stafford loan. provides information on the Stafford college loan and student loans backed by the federal government

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

5 Tips For Making Baby's First Christmas Wonderful
By Susanne Myers

Having a new baby in the family is always a joyous experience, especially around the holidays and your baby's first Christmas is an experience you will remember the rest of your life. Unfortunately young babies and lots of excitement and "strangers" (from the baby's point of view) don't always mix. You end up with a crying exhausted and over stimulated baby instead of holding a relaxed bundle of joy in your arms while you sip hot cocoa under the tree if you're not careful. Use the 5 tips below to help make sure both you and your baby will enjoy this first Christmas together.

Tip #1 - Don't Over Do It

Over course everyone wants to experience your baby's first Christmas. The result is usually either (a) you spent most of the day driving from one relative's house to the next, or (b) your entire extended family shows up on your doorstep. Either way you end up with a Christmas that's exhausting to both you and the baby. Instead, ask aunts and uncles to understand that you can't do all this much this Christmas and offer to see them on another day instead. Then relax and enjoy an intimate Family Christmas with the new baby.

Tip #2 - Keep A Soothing Toys / Blanky Around

Whether there are new people the baby isn't used to in your house, or you are taking her to a new surrounding, keep her comfortable by wrapping her in a favorite blanky and keeping a familiar toy she likes around. Of course everyone wants to hold the new baby and as long as baby is fine with it go for it. Stay close by though in case your baby needs Mom's touch to calm down and comfort her.

Tip #3 - Avoid Overstimulation

Of course everyone wants to hold the baby, talk to her and make her laugh. And then there are all those bright new (and sometimes noisy) toys that baby got for Christmas. All this excitement can quickly add to overstimulation in a young baby. The result is usually a cranky, tired and unhappy child. Limit the toys you let baby play with and be sure your relatives spend some time just calmly and quietly holding the baby.

Tip #4 - Give Baby A Break

Since we're on the topic... to avoid over stimulating your infant, be sure to give her plenty of breaks throughout the day. Find a quiet room and snuggle or feed her. Both of your will appreciate the break from the sometimes hectic family festivities. When it's time for baby to nap, make sure she isn't disturbed and gets the rest she needs.

Tip #5 - Relax Mom

Young children are very tuned into how Mom feels. The best way to keep your baby calm is for you to relax. When things start to get stressful, take a deep breath and calm yourself. The tips above about not over scheduling and taking breaks will work well to keep you relaxed as well.

Keep these suggestions in mind and you, baby and the rest of the family will be able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas they are sure to remember for years to come ... well maybe not the baby, but you get the idea.

Still looking for some fun suggestions on what to get baby as a gift? Take a look at the toy suggestions that are perfect for Baby's First Christmas And don't forget about Mom. Sure Mom can be a little hard to shop for, but she deserves a wonderful gift for all she does for you all year long.

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Romantic Caribbean Honeymoon Destination

Caribbean Honeymoon Destination: A Romantic Honeymoon Vacation with Your Partner by Mike Mansfield

The Caribbean is considered to be the perfect place for honeymoon vacations. With it's great beaches and with the different romantic activities that you and your spouse can do, both of you will definitely have a great time when you go on your first honeymoon or even your second or third honeymoon vacation.

It is a fact that a lot of couples loved the Caribbean so much that they are willing to save money to go on their second or even their third honeymoon vacation in the Caribbean. However, it is also crucial that you should know how to plan your honeymoon vacation in order to avoid any problems that may arise in the future. You have to consider that even the perfect honeymoon destination can ruin your honeymoon if you don’t plan.

So, the first thing you need to do when you want to spend your honeymoon in the Caribbean, you have to plan ahead of time. Plan the honeymoon vacation with the wedding and should not come second. The honeymoon is just as important as the wedding. In order to plan effectively, consult with a number of travel agents. You should also try reading the brochures offered by Caribbean resorts. By doing this, you will have an idea on the different features offered by each resort. You should also look for a resort that offers honeymoon packages. You will also have an idea on which package you can afford or you can financially prepare for the honeymoon package in advance.

When choosing a honeymoon resort in the Caribbean, you can also visit the internet and read the reviews. The reviews will let you know what to expect about the resort. By doing this, you will know about the services offered by a resort in the Caribbean, and you can also know about the quality of accommodation and the different activities. You can narrow down your search for the best honeymoon destination in the Caribbean by listing down those resorts which has positive vacation reviews.

Book your reservations early. Many people make a mistake of booking their accommodations when they arrive at their destination. You have to consider that the Caribbean islands and beach resorts are very popular on tourists all over the world. You have to expect that most resorts will be fully booked, especially during tourist season and in the summer months.

A week before the wedding and the honeymoon, you should prepare all your important travel documents in order to avoid looking for it as both of you are on your way to your destination. Get your passports and other travel documents organized to avoid frustrations. Ask your spouse to prepare theirs too.

About 2 days before your wedding and your honeymoon, you should first confirm your reservation to the Caribbean resort. You should also confirm your flight reservations as well in order to avoid any problems at the airport.

These are some of the things you should remember in order for you to experience the best and the most romantic honeymoon vacation that you and your spouse can ever have. Remember this and you will avoid any problems with your honeymoon vacation. You can be sure that you will never think of anything but spending a romantic time with your significant other.

To find out more about Honeymoons, visit Honeymoon Advice
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Sunday, November 11, 2007

USA Ski Resorts

Popular Ski Resorts In USA

For winter sports enthusiasts, there is nothing better than rushing down a mountain on freshly snow-covered slopes. To help you find the right ski resort that will fulfill your craving for an outdoor adventure, here is a list of popular ski slopes in the United States:

Breckinridge, Colorado

One of the better known Ski resorts in Colorado, Breckinridge totals 2,358 acres and has 155 trails. Its longest trail, Four O’clock, reaches a length of 3.5 miles and the resort spans over more than 10 peaks. Of the 155 trails this resort hosts, 36-percent are expert slopes, the largest percentage of slope difficulty, and 13-percent of the slopes have the easiest designation.

Aspen, Colorado

Located in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, Aspen, Colorado, is the Aspen Mountain Ski Resort. Sitting on 673 acres, Aspen Mountain is one of the smallest ski resorts around. It utilizes Aspen Mountain and Bell Mountain which has an elevation of 11,212 feet.

Killington, Vermont

This ski resort is the largest resort in the eastern part of the United States. Utilizing Vermont’s second highest mountain, Killington Peak, this resort sports 200 trails and 33 ski lifts spanned over seven mountains. It is estimated that nearly 17,000 people will visit Killington Ski Resort on a good day.

Park City, Utah

This tourist destination is home to three different ski resorts, Park City Mountain Resort, the Canyons Resort and Deer Valley Resort. Park City Mountain Resort covers 3,300 acres and has 104 trails. Canyon Resort, the bigger of the three, runs on nine mountains, totaling 3,700 acres and 155 trails. Deer Valley Resort recently underwent a nine million dollars renovation to add 200 acres and nine new slopes

Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California Lake Tahoe

Located on the Nevada-California boarder is home to Heavenly Mountain Resort. It features 95 slopes over 4,800 acres. At an elevation of 10,067, this resort is host to Lake Tahoe’s highest peak. It is the largest ski resort in California, with a total of 33-percent of its land developed.

Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania

The Pocono Mountains is home to more than ten different ski resorts. The largest one, Camelback Ski Area, has 33 slopes and covers 139 acres. At an elevation of 2,133 feet, its steepest slope is 800 feet. Located in close proximity to Camelback Ski Area is Jack Frost Big Boulder Resort. This ski area is two resorts combined into one with nearly 30 different ski slopes.

Use the search facility on to find some great USA ski deals & offers on skiing holidays.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Time To Change Your Batteries!

This is just a short post to remind each of you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and CO2 detectors. It is a good idea to change those batteries twice a year, and a good way to remember when it is time is to change the batteries when the time changes. Each year during the spring and fall we adjust our clocks for Daylight Savings Time. This is a good time to also remember to change the batteries in your home, office, and RV.

So, change those batteries today. It is for the saftey of you and your family.

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