Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

5 Tips For Making Baby's First Christmas Wonderful
By Susanne Myers

Having a new baby in the family is always a joyous experience, especially around the holidays and your baby's first Christmas is an experience you will remember the rest of your life. Unfortunately young babies and lots of excitement and "strangers" (from the baby's point of view) don't always mix. You end up with a crying exhausted and over stimulated baby instead of holding a relaxed bundle of joy in your arms while you sip hot cocoa under the tree if you're not careful. Use the 5 tips below to help make sure both you and your baby will enjoy this first Christmas together.

Tip #1 - Don't Over Do It

Over course everyone wants to experience your baby's first Christmas. The result is usually either (a) you spent most of the day driving from one relative's house to the next, or (b) your entire extended family shows up on your doorstep. Either way you end up with a Christmas that's exhausting to both you and the baby. Instead, ask aunts and uncles to understand that you can't do all this much this Christmas and offer to see them on another day instead. Then relax and enjoy an intimate Family Christmas with the new baby.

Tip #2 - Keep A Soothing Toys / Blanky Around

Whether there are new people the baby isn't used to in your house, or you are taking her to a new surrounding, keep her comfortable by wrapping her in a favorite blanky and keeping a familiar toy she likes around. Of course everyone wants to hold the new baby and as long as baby is fine with it go for it. Stay close by though in case your baby needs Mom's touch to calm down and comfort her.

Tip #3 - Avoid Overstimulation

Of course everyone wants to hold the baby, talk to her and make her laugh. And then there are all those bright new (and sometimes noisy) toys that baby got for Christmas. All this excitement can quickly add to overstimulation in a young baby. The result is usually a cranky, tired and unhappy child. Limit the toys you let baby play with and be sure your relatives spend some time just calmly and quietly holding the baby.

Tip #4 - Give Baby A Break

Since we're on the topic... to avoid over stimulating your infant, be sure to give her plenty of breaks throughout the day. Find a quiet room and snuggle or feed her. Both of your will appreciate the break from the sometimes hectic family festivities. When it's time for baby to nap, make sure she isn't disturbed and gets the rest she needs.

Tip #5 - Relax Mom

Young children are very tuned into how Mom feels. The best way to keep your baby calm is for you to relax. When things start to get stressful, take a deep breath and calm yourself. The tips above about not over scheduling and taking breaks will work well to keep you relaxed as well.

Keep these suggestions in mind and you, baby and the rest of the family will be able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas they are sure to remember for years to come ... well maybe not the baby, but you get the idea.

Still looking for some fun suggestions on what to get baby as a gift? Take a look at the toy suggestions that are perfect for Baby's First Christmas And don't forget about Mom. Sure Mom can be a little hard to shop for, but she deserves a wonderful gift for all she does for you all year long.

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