Bad Habits to Break in the New Year by Pua Melia
Everyone has a bad habit that they just can’t seem to shake despite the many attempts that have been made over the years. With the New Year approaching, now is the time to finally shake that tendency. Even if you are not the resolution type, making one change this year could do wonders to your health, looks and self esteem. Here are some common bad habits that plague us and some tips on how to break them.
Bad habit number one is something that everyone does at one time or another, but for some it has become a chronic bad habit. This habit is nail biting. Biting your nails not only makes for ugly hands and nail beds but over time it can interfere with normal nail growth, damage the outer layer of your teeth, and cause nail deformities such as split nails. There is also a plethora of bacteria resting under your nail beds that you just do not want in your mouth. You way to kick this habit for good is to keep your nails well manicured and the best way to do this is to get a professional manicure every two or three weeks. You will be less inclined to bite your nails if they look nice and are trimmed short.
Every time you go to the dentist they ask the notorious question, “how often do you floss”, and more often than not people bite their lip and fib a little bit. Well to be honest, flossing has great benefits and not flossing can actually cause harm to your mouth. Flossing helps prevent gum disease and keeps your gums and teeth looking good, not only that but studies are continuing to show that flossing may actually help prevent strokes and heart attacks. One way to get into the habit of flossing is to buy a hand held flossing device which allows you to get in their without cutting the circulation off in your fingers. In fact, studies show that 50% more people floss after purchasing a hand held floss device.
Bad habit to break number three is late night fridge raiding. Eating late at night is not bad for you but chances are instead of eating something healthy like an apple you reach for a cold slice of pizza. Not only are you adding extra calories to your diet but you also exacerbate heartburn. In order to break this habit we have to remember that more often than not the reason we eat at night is because we are bored, so in order to distract yourself from any cravings that may hit do something engaging like emailing, texting, reading or knitting.
Did you know that on average, if you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day, you spend about $1,639 a year on just cigarettes? Not only that but while the monetary number may seem staggering you are also putting yourself at a greater risk for heart attack, lung cancer, emphysema, and cancer of the mouth, throat, stomach, bladder, kidney and cervix. For all of these reasons I say that kicking your smoking habit is a great idea. In fact, there are many drugs that can help you get started from nicotine patches to prescription drugs that have all been proven to help you stop smoking.
Your relationship with the sun is the last habit you may want to consider kicking this year. According to the American Skin Association, as much as 90% of wrinkles, brown spots, and sagging can be caused by sun damage. So while you may think you look great with a beautifully bronzed body, your skin is taking a huge hit. To help break your habit wear sunscreen daily on the parts of your body exposed to the sun, even during the winter. And if you are spending the day outdoors, wear a wide brimmed hat and cover the exposed skin with clothing.
There are numerous more bad habits that are not discussed in the article, but the New Year brings a great opportunity for you to kick your tendency. If you are looking for inspiration partner up with a friend and kick your habits together.
For more tips on how to kick your bad habits in the New Year, click here!
Article Source: Bad Habits to Break in the New Year
Thursday, December 31, 2009
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