3 ways to earn quick cash during hard times by Julian May
With so many people out of work and jobs seemingly scarce finding ways to make ends meet is difficult. But if you are willing to do a little hard work to get cash in your pocket today here are a few suggestions that might help till you find work you want.
Here are a few ways I made extra cash in between jobs.
1. I created a simple flyer stating that I did house cleaning or lawn mowing and had several hundred flyers printed up with my phone number on them. I then walked around different neighborhoods putting flyers in people's doors. NOT mailboxes that is illegal. Within the hours I was receiving calls and scheduling work for that week. Do this every couple of weeks and the odd jobs you'll get could be endless.
2. I found temporary services in the yellow pages and signed up for at 8 to 10 different companies. That way I had 8 to 10 other people to help me find work. I checked in every Monday morning and if there was work they would let me know. It doesn't hurt to call Thursday as well. The key is keep in constant contact and to keep your name at the top of the list.
3. I posted and answered ads on craigslist. This can be really helpful since there is a huge variety of work out there. Sometimes people need help for a day or two sometimes it can be weeks. It's not full time but at least it gives you cash that day. You don't have to take every post that someone asks of you. You can still be a bit picky and be aware that some people do not want to pay a good price to learn to ask for partial payments upfront or some other arrangement. And never take a check, cash is the only payment I accept.
The key is to keep is to keep busy. And always your eyes and ears open. You never know who you work for; you might do a side job for a hiring manager at a company that has a permanent position just for you. Potential employers are always looking for good workers.
These are a few of the things I did to help me get through some tough times. Hopefully these suggestions will spark some ideas for you to keep money coming in through tough times. There are many many ways to earn money and still have time to search for a job, be patient with yourself and take the time to find out about who you are and what you are good at doing.
Snowplowing is a great way to earn quick cash. find out how to buy a snowplow with this 5 point checklist at used snow plows.net.
Article Source: 3 ways to earn quick cash during hard times
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Know Your Team's Colours: Becoming a Great Leader by Clyde Howell
Leadership can be a very challenging task. As leaders we don't always get to choose who is on our team. In fact very often a leader inherits a team, of which most of the members have been there far longer than the leader, and may even know more about the work than the leader. Whatever the situation, one of the responsibilities of a leader is to motivate the team to all work together towards the common goal. This can be a daunting challenge. So often the team is comprised of very diverse members, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and work styles. The team dynamics are also often complicated by internal disagreements and personal conflicts. The leader, not only has work with this group of people, but also needs to achieve the results expected by their superiors.
Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of team members. By understanding the basic personality types, the leader can use individual strengths of members for the good of the team, as well as assign tasks that individual team member's naturally excel in. A leader can also learn to communicate in a way that is motivating, by taking into account the needs, values and working preferences of different team members.
A good leader will see the greatest results by working and utilizing the strengths and working style characteristics of the personalities on the team. By correctly positioning the individual member strengths and compensating for weaknesses, the leader can bring the team into a productive balance and harmony.
A brief overview of the different values and working styles of the four main personality types demonstrates the importance of this knowledge being part of the successful leadership toolbox. The four types of personality will be described using the colours Gold, Blue, Green and Orange.
The strong Gold employee takes work and responsibility very seriously. Gold personalities want to contribute, be part of the team, and to be successful and productive. They respond well to recognition, rewards and incentives. However Gold team members need well defined responsibilities and structure, firm expectations and timelines as well as being reassured from authority that they are on the right track.
The strong Blue personality needs an open, social atmosphere to be able work well. Relationships are very important for them, and they need the freedom to be able to nurture relationships with coworkers, customers and employers.. Conflict and intense competition are painful for a strong Blue, but they will thrive in a positive, creative, service orientated atmosphere.
A strong Green personality is more noted for expertise rather than people skills. They are excellent working with facts, data, research and analytical projects. Greens shine in their ability for designing, understanding complex systems and strategy. Facts are of utmost importance for the Green, but they have a weakness for routine follow through and are somewhat insensitive in social interactions.
Orange team members are noticeable by their energy, skill and creativity. A key factor for an Orange is the freedom to be able to use their skills and abilities. If there is too much structure, or their boss is very authoritarian, the orange personality feels blocked and does not function well. Orange personalities like people and work well in a spirit of teamwork, competition and camaraderie. They are action orientated, though and become impatient with prolonged talking and detailed administrative tasks.
A leader, by knowing the colours of his team, can use this knowledge to blend the team members into a unified, well coordinated picture poised for success. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results.
To read about bladder problem and bladder pain, visit the Bladder Discomfort site.
Article Source: Know Your Team's Colours: Becoming a Great Leader
Leadership can be a very challenging task. As leaders we don't always get to choose who is on our team. In fact very often a leader inherits a team, of which most of the members have been there far longer than the leader, and may even know more about the work than the leader. Whatever the situation, one of the responsibilities of a leader is to motivate the team to all work together towards the common goal. This can be a daunting challenge. So often the team is comprised of very diverse members, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and work styles. The team dynamics are also often complicated by internal disagreements and personal conflicts. The leader, not only has work with this group of people, but also needs to achieve the results expected by their superiors.
Leaders can greatly benefit by being able to identify the types of personality characteristics of team members. By understanding the basic personality types, the leader can use individual strengths of members for the good of the team, as well as assign tasks that individual team member's naturally excel in. A leader can also learn to communicate in a way that is motivating, by taking into account the needs, values and working preferences of different team members.
A good leader will see the greatest results by working and utilizing the strengths and working style characteristics of the personalities on the team. By correctly positioning the individual member strengths and compensating for weaknesses, the leader can bring the team into a productive balance and harmony.
A brief overview of the different values and working styles of the four main personality types demonstrates the importance of this knowledge being part of the successful leadership toolbox. The four types of personality will be described using the colours Gold, Blue, Green and Orange.
The strong Gold employee takes work and responsibility very seriously. Gold personalities want to contribute, be part of the team, and to be successful and productive. They respond well to recognition, rewards and incentives. However Gold team members need well defined responsibilities and structure, firm expectations and timelines as well as being reassured from authority that they are on the right track.
The strong Blue personality needs an open, social atmosphere to be able work well. Relationships are very important for them, and they need the freedom to be able to nurture relationships with coworkers, customers and employers.. Conflict and intense competition are painful for a strong Blue, but they will thrive in a positive, creative, service orientated atmosphere.
A strong Green personality is more noted for expertise rather than people skills. They are excellent working with facts, data, research and analytical projects. Greens shine in their ability for designing, understanding complex systems and strategy. Facts are of utmost importance for the Green, but they have a weakness for routine follow through and are somewhat insensitive in social interactions.
Orange team members are noticeable by their energy, skill and creativity. A key factor for an Orange is the freedom to be able to use their skills and abilities. If there is too much structure, or their boss is very authoritarian, the orange personality feels blocked and does not function well. Orange personalities like people and work well in a spirit of teamwork, competition and camaraderie. They are action orientated, though and become impatient with prolonged talking and detailed administrative tasks.
A leader, by knowing the colours of his team, can use this knowledge to blend the team members into a unified, well coordinated picture poised for success. By facilitating each team member to function in their areas of natural strength and motivating them by communicating in a way that inspires harmony and team work, the leader is well on the way to achieving extraordinary results.
To read about bladder problem and bladder pain, visit the Bladder Discomfort site.
Article Source: Know Your Team's Colours: Becoming a Great Leader
self help,
self improvements,
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Secret of Cultivating Independent Happiness by Janet Grace Ortigas
Happiness is defined in many ways and it's different in every person. Many people chase it, trying to find it in money, perfect partners, and an exceptional career because their happiness depends on it. To be dependently happy means you are generally unhappy unless a thing or an event comes along which changes your moods like you were given a promotion, you land a job you've always wanted, you bought a new car, or have your dream holiday.
We all know that these wonderful things are worth celebrating, but do you depend on external circumstances or things to make you happy? Independent happiness on the other hand, means being happy about who you are without being self-conscious and you find pleasure in the small things like the simplicity of nature, talking to someone you know at the mall, talking to your family or your pet.
I realized that happiness changes its meaning as we grow because when I was 9 years old, it meant having my very own piano. When I was a teenager it meant, driving my father's car, but now it's as simple as waking up in the morning since I was diagnosed of sinus bradycardia which is a regular but unusually slow heartbeat wherein fainting can occur if my heart slows down even more or I may die in sleep. I always find ways to be happy even just by cooking, gardening or cleaning my car and I find peace knowing that my happiness does not depend on anybody or anything to make me feel good about myself.
Don't be depressed when nothing good is going on in your lives and work on building independent happiness instead, and find peace in accepting things as they are. Your emotional foundation should be built around independent happiness so that you will build strong pillars to support you when things go wrong. Try to be more meditative and contemplative about life and sustain a happy feeling by allowing small things to illicit positive feelings because positive feelings will send you back towards the good things in life. So who cares if you were not given the promotion you want or the job you dream of? You have yourself to be grateful for and that should give you enough reason to be happy.
Learn more about Mastering the Law of Attraction by visiting http://www.thesecretoflifebydesign.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Grace_Ortigas
Article Source: The Secret of Cultivating Independent Happiness
Happiness is defined in many ways and it's different in every person. Many people chase it, trying to find it in money, perfect partners, and an exceptional career because their happiness depends on it. To be dependently happy means you are generally unhappy unless a thing or an event comes along which changes your moods like you were given a promotion, you land a job you've always wanted, you bought a new car, or have your dream holiday.
We all know that these wonderful things are worth celebrating, but do you depend on external circumstances or things to make you happy? Independent happiness on the other hand, means being happy about who you are without being self-conscious and you find pleasure in the small things like the simplicity of nature, talking to someone you know at the mall, talking to your family or your pet.
I realized that happiness changes its meaning as we grow because when I was 9 years old, it meant having my very own piano. When I was a teenager it meant, driving my father's car, but now it's as simple as waking up in the morning since I was diagnosed of sinus bradycardia which is a regular but unusually slow heartbeat wherein fainting can occur if my heart slows down even more or I may die in sleep. I always find ways to be happy even just by cooking, gardening or cleaning my car and I find peace knowing that my happiness does not depend on anybody or anything to make me feel good about myself.
Don't be depressed when nothing good is going on in your lives and work on building independent happiness instead, and find peace in accepting things as they are. Your emotional foundation should be built around independent happiness so that you will build strong pillars to support you when things go wrong. Try to be more meditative and contemplative about life and sustain a happy feeling by allowing small things to illicit positive feelings because positive feelings will send you back towards the good things in life. So who cares if you were not given the promotion you want or the job you dream of? You have yourself to be grateful for and that should give you enough reason to be happy.
Learn more about Mastering the Law of Attraction by visiting http://www.thesecretoflifebydesign.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Janet_Grace_Ortigas
Article Source: The Secret of Cultivating Independent Happiness
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