Sunday, January 3, 2010

3 ways to earn quick cash during hard times by Julian May

With so many people out of work and jobs seemingly scarce finding ways to make ends meet is difficult. But if you are willing to do a little hard work to get cash in your pocket today here are a few suggestions that might help till you find work you want.

Here are a few ways I made extra cash in between jobs.

1. I created a simple flyer stating that I did house cleaning or lawn mowing and had several hundred flyers printed up with my phone number on them. I then walked around different neighborhoods putting flyers in people's doors. NOT mailboxes that is illegal. Within the hours I was receiving calls and scheduling work for that week. Do this every couple of weeks and the odd jobs you'll get could be endless.

2. I found temporary services in the yellow pages and signed up for at 8 to 10 different companies. That way I had 8 to 10 other people to help me find work. I checked in every Monday morning and if there was work they would let me know. It doesn't hurt to call Thursday as well. The key is keep in constant contact and to keep your name at the top of the list.

3. I posted and answered ads on craigslist. This can be really helpful since there is a huge variety of work out there. Sometimes people need help for a day or two sometimes it can be weeks. It's not full time but at least it gives you cash that day. You don't have to take every post that someone asks of you. You can still be a bit picky and be aware that some people do not want to pay a good price to learn to ask for partial payments upfront or some other arrangement. And never take a check, cash is the only payment I accept.

The key is to keep is to keep busy. And always your eyes and ears open. You never know who you work for; you might do a side job for a hiring manager at a company that has a permanent position just for you. Potential employers are always looking for good workers.

These are a few of the things I did to help me get through some tough times. Hopefully these suggestions will spark some ideas for you to keep money coming in through tough times. There are many many ways to earn money and still have time to search for a job, be patient with yourself and take the time to find out about who you are and what you are good at doing.

Snowplowing is a great way to earn quick cash. find out how to buy a snowplow with this 5 point checklist at used snow

Article Source: 3 ways to earn quick cash during hard times

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