Friday, December 7, 2007

Get Your New Website into Google Fast and Free

Get Your New Site Into Google Fast ...and Free by Gary Harvey

How to get into Google fast? As fast as today or tomorrow. Is it possible for you?


And I am going to show you 2 ways to do it.

You want to get your new website into Google fast. And the other search engines too, of course.

Did you know that Google prefers for their spiders to find new sites rather than have us use the ‘submit a site’ page.

So the easiest way to get your new site found is to get it listed in one of the sites that Google visits often. My own site at gets about 5 Google spider visits per hour. Spiders from Yahoo and MSN visit less frequently but that’s still many times each day.

So how can you get your site listed at one of these sites that is popular with the spiders?

There are at least two ways:

1. Post at one of the free classified ad sites.

2. Create a blog (this is free) at and link it to your new website.

Let’s talk about the classified ads sites here.

The market leader of the free classified ad sites is PR6. This site is reported to get more traffic than Google Canada. So place an ad there (especially in the section for the San Francisco Bay area) and it will be picked up quickly. And it’s free.

Not sure which category for your ad? Use the Small Biz listing of the San Francisco Bay area. Write a factual ad. Not a salesy, hypey one because your goal is to get your site indexed by the search engines. You’re not trying to make a sale. A hyped up advertisement might get deleted. PR5 PR6 PR4 PR5 PR4 PR6

Click here to download a FREE copy of “Profit Starts Here”:

This short report will help you start your internet business the right way.

Article written by Gary Harvey. He’s been earning a full time internet income since 2003. Click here to see what’s hot at his blog:

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