Monday, December 17, 2007

Herbs and Spices: A Beginner’s Guide To Choose The Best Herbs & Spices

Herbs and Spices: A Beginner’s Guide To Choose The Best Herbs & Spices by Paul Andrews

Herbs & Spices are valuable gifts of the Mother Nature. Herbs & Spices have been used for various purposes since the ancient times. Herbs are the plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests. Herbs can be classified into Culinary herbs, Aromatic herbs, Ornamental herbs, and Medicinal herbs.

Culinary herbs are aromatic potherb, which are often used in cookery for its savory qualities. Parsley is also a culinary herb that is used as garnish. Aromatic herbs are used for aromatic purposes and manufacturing perfumes, etc. Cosmetic herbs are used in facial creams and cosmetics. Medicinal herbs have a strong curative power. These herbs have long been used in the preparation of medicines. The medicine prepared using herbs are called “herbal medicines.”

Usually, herbs come from the leafy parts of a plant. Some of the more commonly available fresh herbs include basil, bay leaf, chervil, coriander, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. Some herbs are used fresh and some are used in dried form. Some of the medicinal herbs can also have negative effects. So, herbs should always be taken with the advice of experts.

The pungent or aromatic seasonings obtained from the bark, buds, fruit, roots, seeds or stems of various plants and trees are known as “spices.” Often the spices come from bark roots, seeds and tropical fruit plants. Some of the popular spices include allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, saffron and tumeric. Spices are also used in blends, such as curry powder and spice parisienne. Condiments are a combination of herbs and spices, which is blended in the liquid form. “Seasoning blends” are the mixture of spices and herbs.

Herbs & spices are the important ingredients of the gourmet dishes and traditional food. Herbs and spices both enhance flavor and help making foods delicious. They help food digestion and increases energy level. These have a number of health benefits. The use of herbs and spices can help reducing the level of sugar, fat and sodium in the body.

Study of herbs is called “herbology.” Herbology helps choosing useful herbs & spices. It's not easy to pick out useful herbs & spices easily, only pros of the field are learnt enough to discern them. The beginners should be extremely careful about choosing herbs & spices. They must go thru general literature about herbs & spices to learn the features and qualities of herbs & spices. Most of herbs & spices can be distinguished from their smell. Thus the beginners should know the typical smells of herbs & spices, and they should always smell herbs & spices to make out their genuineness. The beginners can also discern their genuineness from their colors. While purchasing herbs & spices, the beginners should make sure that these haven't been sitting on the shelves for over six months. They should better buy seasonal herbs & spices.

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