Thursday, March 6, 2008

Choosing International Coffee Varieties

Choosing International Coffee Varieties
by Eric B. Slarkowski

Coffee beans are available from different countries from all around the world. What’s more every country produces different coffee, it’s wonderful to taste them all!

Colombian coffee is world famous. The La Esperanza is grown at around 6,000 feet and the taste shows that the extra effort was worth it! It has a lovely smell and has hints of a chocolate taste and a little tobacco!

Colombia is the world’s second largest coffee producer and so they have many more types to offer. A Supremo blend can make an interesting drink. You need to drink this hot otherwise the tastes will be lost.

If you visit Hawaii then you will find a selection of different coffee tastes. You can purchase medium and dark roast coffee. Dark roasted coffee has a less acidic taste, and the medium has a slightly more acidic taste. The Hawaiian espresso roast is the favorite among coffee experts.

Now onto Africa, the Tanzanian pea berry is grown on Mount Kilimanjaro. These pea berries have quite a distinctive shape which makes one oval bean. This produces a coffee which has a more acidic taste and a lighter body.

The legendary home of coffee is Ethiopia, and they are proud with that claim! There is an amazing brew in the Yirgacheffe region, it combines orange peel, ginger and lemon into a tart chocolaty coffee drink.

Travelling to India you will find the Monsoon Malabar. This is produced as a result of three months of wet windy weather. This makes a yellow bean which is quite puffy. These actually taste a little like apricot. You should also check out the Jumboors, these make quite a sweet brew which is unforgettable.

Indonesian coffee isn’t for everyone, but in Sumatra they grow a wonderful coffee. This coffee is lightly roasted and is fairly sweet. This is a little like a jasmine taste which is very nice!

You should also remember the northern areas which produce dark roast coffee which is quite spicy. These produce flavors similar to grapefruit and cedar.

Hopping over to Vietnam and you will find the Robusta coffee plant. This coffee is processed in a very specific way to produce a lovely cup of coffee which can stand up against the better known Arabica bean.

On the way back home you should stop off in Jamaica, this is an often forgotten source of coffee. The Jamaican pea berry similar to its African cousins produces a single bean. However the taste is very different. It produces a full bodied cup which is fairly sweet.

So there you go, you can travel to loads of countries all around the world and sample some of the best tastes coffee has to offer! I bet you never knew that coffee was so interesting!

Eric Slarkowski routinely pens newsletters on news associated with selfcleaning coffeemakers. His abstracts on coffeemakers can be found on his website .

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Getting a Raise is Easy if You Know How to Ask for One

Getting a Raise is Easy if You Know How to Ask for One
by Dr. Dewett

Asking for a raise is not an exact science, but there are some well known ways to increase your odds. Most people are afraid to ask for a raise. They feel it could be uncomfortable or lead to conflict. People hate conflict. Those brave few who do ask for a raise usually do not meet with success for several predictable reasons. Fortunately, there are many ways to increase your odds of successfully asking for a raise. Please notice that speaking to your boss about a raise is the last thing you do, not the first.

Start by knowing how your performance is viewed, in detail. Do not assume you understand. To accomplish this, there are three specific things to do. First, understand your relative performance. Not how you preformed, but how you preformed relative to other key referents in the company. Second, you need recent visible wins. Psychologically, what you have done in the last few months will stand out in your superior’s mind. For better or worse, there is a lot of truth to the old saying “What have you done for me lately?” Third, you need a world class summary of your achievements. Not work completed, but achievements. Costs reduced, time saved, quality increased, customers landed, etc. Strive to be convincing in 15 seconds, not 15 minutes.

Next, assess the risks. Asking for a raise is not a risk free proposition. Others may find out that you asked and whether or not you were successful. When compensation is the issue, relationships can become strained quickly. Keep in mind, it is very possible that your view of your performance is different than your superior’s view of your performance. You risk damaging your professional relationship to the degree the two views differ. Look around you and think about your odds. Consider the most relevant indicators. How stellar were your last 2-3 performance evaluations? If they were not spectacular, be careful. Assess your unit’s performance and the financial health of the organization overall. If budgets are being cut, your odds are not good. Finally, consider the fortunes of others in the organization who have attempted this feat. Depending on the company and the boss, it may be common or very unacceptable.

Long before you speak to the boss, specify a target. If you are going to ask for a raise, be very specific. Know what you will accept and what you will not accept. A negotiation specialist might suggest that you start high in order to eventually come down to some acceptable number. Not good advice when you are asking for a raise. Err only slightly above your target, otherwise you send a signal that you are disconnected from reality. If you want 5%, do not ask for 20%, try 8%. Whatever you do, do not lowball yourself, or your boss is likely to do the same.

Pick the time and place for this conversation. The earlier in the week, the better. The longer the week wears on the more your boss has become mentally fatigued. Monday might not be your favorite day of the week, but compared to Friday, most people are fresh and focused. Identifying the right time of day is a little more difficult. Everyone has a different time of the day when they are most happy and approachable. Make sure you identify this window for your superior. Be sure to schedule a time. Do not simply walk in unannounced for this discussion. If you are asked about the nature of the meeting when you schedule it, simply reply that you are seeking some advice.

Finally, it is time to have the big conversation. Here is the most important rule: do not ask to receive anything immediately, or even in the near term. Six to nine months before you want the raise you must talk to your superior about what you want and what he or she feels would be required in terms of accomplishments in order to justify the raise. Be positive, take great notes and make very specific goals. In essence, they have now committed to giving you a raise without having to immediately provide it. It costs them nothing now and is predicated on great performance.

There is no guaranteed plan for getting a raise, but following these steps dramatically increases the likelihood that your boss will take you seriously. Good luck!

Dr. Dewett is a business professor, author, consultant and speaker specializing in leadership and organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. His new book is Leadership Redefined. Find out more at Copyright 2008 TVA Inc.

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It's Job Hunting, Not Job Wishing

It's Job Hunting, Not Job Wishing
by Dr. Dewett

It is a new year and your resolution is a whopper: you want a new job. Great, but prepare to work your tail off. Not only are jobs a wee bit scarce, but most people do not understand the amount of effort required nor the tactics required to successfully land that dream job. The good news is that with the right effort and know-how, you could soon be upgrading your cubicle.

Let’s start with the issue of time. You need to be dedicated. This means the task of job hunting becomes a regular daily task. If you are currently unemployed, this begins first thing in the morning. If you are currently employed, commit to using your nights at home and your lunch hour at work (or other great moments of escape). That is the easy part. Here is the killer. How much time should you spend on the job search? That depends on how quickly you wish to find a new job. Stated more motivationally: how quickly do you wish to leave your current job? If the goal is six weeks or less, you should be spending 15 hours per week, minimum. If the goal is closer to six months, you should be spending at least 10 hours per week. Any less than 10 hours per week and you are not serious about finding a new job.

On to successful job hunting tactics. Begin by using a spreadsheet to track every single job search-related task. What is the task, when is it due, etc. If you map out the specific sequence of tasks before you, your odds of success increase dramatically. Use the spreadsheet to organize the following must-do job hunting best practices:

• Polish your resume. If you have been with the same organization for a long time, your resume will be out of date. Do not focus on specific tasks as much as specific skills you have honed and can leverage in other jobs with other organizations. Avoid organizational specific jargon. Try to quantify your accomplishments in terms of time saved, costs saved, clients gained, revenues generated, etc.

• Let someone else polish your resume. After you have knocked off the dust, send it to at least three trusted professional friends. Tell them to play the role of a hiring manager. Ask them what your resume “says” to them. Ask them what signals it sends.

• Master your “elevator pitch.” The elevator pitch is your highly concise and compelling explanation of what you are looking for and why you are awesome (approximately 15-20 seconds). Don’t be shy. You use it when speaking to nearly anyone who you involve in your job search – not simply contacts at companies where you apply or interview.

• Post online. Depending on the nature of the job you are seeking, the popular online job sites might be worth your time. Some question how useful they can be for a variety of reasons. Who cares. They are free and when you are hunting for a job you cover all of your bases.

• Contact headhunters. If you do not know any, call your most successful friends in business, they will know a few. Headhunters vary in quality like any other professional, so a solid referral is best. There is no downside with headhunters, you do not pay them, employers do.

• Map out your network. Your network is much larger than you think. Current friends, friends you have lost touch with, old colleagues, college acquaintances, your dentist, they lady who sold you your first car, your uncle you have not seen in six years, etc. Think hard and start contacting them. The research is clear: it is who you know.

• Contact high potentials. These are people who are not in your network, but you know about them and feel they can help you. You want the opportunity to work for their organization or you merely want their advice, and maybe access to their network. Approach in person or via phone if possible. You never ask for a job or access to their network. You ask for professional advice and a fresh pair of eyes to look at your resume. Offer to buy them a cup of coffee. If you connect with them, it could lead to a great new contact or even a job.

• Follow up. Work the spreadsheet and make sure you that you follow up with all of the people on your list. There are two types of follow up. The first is you trying at least three times to contact someone on your list. The second is you getting back to them twice after the initial contact. The first time is immediately after speaking with them to say thank you. The second is a few weeks later (email will suffice) to say hello and update them on your progress.

• When rejected, find out why. It is difficult for some people to be honest, but you still need to try. When you are rebuffed by an organization, get on the phone and ask why. Was it a particular aspect of your personality? What? Self awareness is step one to changing your job hunting and interviewing skills.

• Celebrate rejections! Realize that every single rejection puts you one step closer to a job!

Dr. Dewett is a business professor, author, consultant and speaker specializing in leadership and organizational life. As quoted in the New York Times, BusinessWeek, the Chicago Tribune, MSNBC and elsewhere. His new book is Leadership Redefined. Find out more at Copyright 2008 TVA Inc.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Camping Safety Tips And Rules

Camping Safety Tips And Rules
by AJ Adams

While your camping endeavor is meant to be a relaxing experience, both physically and mentally, this does not mean you can turn off your basic responsibility obligations. When camping in the wilderness there are no walls around you to protect you and to ensure that what is outside of those walls stays out. There are a few basic safety rules you need to consider when camping. The main camping safety rules include: nature, anticipation of danger, awareness of your surroundings, your campfire, and what you consume in the wilderness.

Nature is both a precious entity and an unpredictable one. The first of your safety rules for camping include your responsibility and care for nature. Probably the simplest of this camping safety rule is to ensure that your camping ground is left in the same, if not better, condition that it was when you got there. One of the most important things for you to be aware of is any dangerous animals that may live in the area, like bears. Remember this is their home and you are trespassing, they may be curious.

Your second camping safety rule is to be cautious of the area you set up camp and anticipate any dangers that may present themselves. Flash flooding is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States. It can come on suddenly and is almost impossible to escape. Your main hope of avoiding becoming a victim is to ensure your dwellings are not erected on low ground where water will flow in the case of a flash flood.

The third of your safety rules for camping is to be aware of your surroundings. Beware of the weather forecast, if rain is predicted do not place your tent on low ground. You may need to dig some small trenches around your tent to deter water from entering, but remember to abide by camping safety rule number one when you leave, and fill in the trenches. Be mindful of warn paths in the area and do not build your campsite across any paths. Animals often use these paths at night and you may risk being trampled in your sleep by herds of animals. Look above the area where you plan to build your tent and your campfire. Overhanging branches may fall in the night or be set alight by a raging campfire or wayward embers.

Camping safety rule number four requires you to ensure you have all the necessary knowledge to build a safe campfire. You should also ensure you have the equipment necessary for putting your fire out should it start getting out of control. Out of control campfires do not take long to spread, especially if surrounded by acres and acres of luscious bushland. Forests can take hundreds of years to grow. Depending on the area you are camping in, your campfire could be responsible for destroying hundreds of acres of heritage forests that are hundreds of years old. There may also be residential dwellings in the area, which may risk the loss of human life, as well as all the wildlife that will suffer. Just a few simple camping safety rules can prevent an abundance of irreparable damage.

Your final camping safety rule includes being cautious of what you consume in the wild. Nature is not a supermarket; we cannot always be certain that what we take from her shelves will always be good for us. If you are able to, obtain a nature guide to all the native berries, nuts and plants in the area so that you can be sure you are not going to make yourself sick in the middle of the bush. You should also research the condition of the water in the area if you plan to drink from natural springs and water bodies. To be on the safe side, always carry fresh water with you to last the entire length of your trip and a few extra days’ worth – just in case!

Read our 5 Safety Rules For Camping, then check out our selection of Slumberjack sleeping bags.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Modern Man And The Barbecue Grill

Modern Man And The Barbecue Grill by

Here’s the enigma of the barbecue grill…..

Two customers have complained today and one of my suppliers just isn’t providing the quality of materials that I need. In short it’s been a rough day “at the office”. I’m a bit down in the dumps but as soon as I get home and my heart lifts. My children greet me and are itching to tell me all about their day and there’s a wonderful smell of cooking coming from the kitchen.

I give my wife a hug and ask “Hey, what’s cooking?”

Tonight will be oven roasted chicken thighs on a bed of vegetables roasted in olive oil. A ciabatta loaf is warming in the oven and there’s a bottle of merlot open to breathe on the kitchen table to round it all off. What better way to start the evening?

I know without any further inspection that what my nose tells me smells good really is good simply because my wife has many years experience, she enjoys cooking and therefore knows the subject inside out.

OK so I may be taking it a little to the extreme to make the point and before you all start hollering back, let me point out that I do my family’s ironing and I clean the bathrooms so I’m part way from “Neanderthal” to “modern man”. I’m sure there’s plenty of us out there, sincerely I hope so.

My point is that considering all this talent my wife has and all her experience at cooking, why is it that when it’s time for a BBQ cookout it’s me that takes on the grill duties? The man of the house! What qualifications do I have? How much experience do I have?......... Zip….Nada...Niente! I can’t even follow the most elementary grill recipes.

If I were applying for a job as a car mechanic which garage in their right mind would take me on? Yet armed with the most appalling gastronomic CV I’m trusted not to poison the family and if that weren’t enough, we invite our best friends round in the honest belief that I won’t poison them too!

Ever been to a BBQ cookout where the hamburgers are burnt on the outside and frozen in the middle? I’m sorry to say that while we might have moved someway towards modern man with the housekeeping duties, we’re still eons away when it comes to the barbecue grill or meat smoker.

Now it has to be said that lighting the barbecue is definitely a man’s job. C’mon guys who doesn’t like playing with fire? So how ladies, do you eat safe in the knowledge that you’ll live until tomorrow? Well I’ve got one simple barbecue tip:-

Give him the matches and the firelighters but don’t give him any of the food – at least not for 45 minutes if charcoal, 15 minutes if gas. Believe me, if you bring it out any earlier it’ll be a cremation rather than a BBQ party.

My tip for good food is gentle cooking, heat is good and flames are bad. Fat dripping onto the coals creates the smoke that flavours the food but that same fat also can cause flames if the coals haven’t been allowed to settle. So in short, the coals should be hot and the flames not.

How do you keep your man away from the food without a padlock and chain on the refrigerator door? Give him a beer……or two! After all – I am a man!

BBQ Smoker Recipes - Free barbecue grill recipes & meat smoker cooking ideas on gas, charcoal or electric. Free Barbecue Recipes - Outdoor grilling tips, easy fire pit menus & the best homemade bbq sauce recipes. Kamado Barbecue Recipes - Menu ideas for the ceramic barbecue.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Popular brands of DVD player

Popular brands of DVD player by Victor Epand

Music is the food for life. Probably with this slogan, the manufacturers produced or invented various kinds of music players for music lovers. Among the various kinds of music player, DVD players are now at the height of its popularity.

In order to meet the demands of DVD players some of the leading electronic manufacturers like Philips, Sony, Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Kenwood, Videocon have started manufacturing DVD players that has become quite popular. Let us go through the details of various models of these DVD players.

Sony Corporation is considered as one of the world's largest manufacturers in the field of video, electronics, video game, information technology and so on. Their products are equally popular both among the professionals and the non-professionals and the consumers. Like the latest Sony BDP-S300 Blu-Ray DVD players has drawn the attention of many music lovers. It has got excellent picture quality with a HDMI output. The design of this player consist of a LED display on the underneath half of the face. The basic playback controls are situated in the upper right section. Including this the buyer can also find a handy chapter on forward and backward buttons. The open, close and the power buttons are on the top of the player. The BDP-S300 has the glowing blue front panel buttons. This model can play standard definitions DVDs, audio CDs and burned MP3 and JPEG files on CDs and DVDs.

Based in South Korea Samsung Group is considered as one of the largest multinational corporation in the list of world's major industries. The features of Samsung BD-P1200 DVD player include the capability of playing standard definition DVDs and CDs and playing Blu-ray discs. The design of this model can be labeled as classic. The front of the player is glossy black whereas the bottom has a thin strip of silver. The power button is placed on the far left and the LED display is on the far right. The other models of this company are Samsung DVD-HD870 player, Samsung BD UP5000 Duo HD player, Samsung BD-P1400 Blu-Ray disc player etc.

Headquarter in Tokyo, Japan Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese multinational manufacturing company whose business are centered in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. With the merging of two companies, Toshiba was founded in the year 1939. The semiconductors made by Toshiba are listed among the world's top 20 semiconductor sales leaders. Recently, with the growing popularity of DVD player Toshiba has also started manufacturing DVD players.

Some of the popular models of this company include Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player, Toshiba HD-AX2 HD DVD player, Toshiba HD-A35 HD DVD player etc. Some of the features of the model of Toshiba HD-A20 includes the capability of playing standard DVDs and audio CDs. The design of this model is glossy black and sloped forwardly. The Power button turns blue when it is on. The bottom third of the player consists of flip-down panel, covering up the additional front panels controls like play, stop and backward/forward.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for used DVDs, used movies, and used car stereos. You can find the best marketplace for used DVDs, used movies, and used car stereos at these sites for DVD player, audio CD, used movies, and used car stereos.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Play Ball - Collecting Baseball Cards

Play Ball - Collecting Baseball Cards
by Jack Vallis

There are different hobbies that you will find people engaged in.

One of the long time more common hobbies is that of collecting baseball cards and baseball card sets. The chance to find a treasure amongst the masses of cards. The thrill of the hunt and the camaraderie amongst traders are just some of the attributes that fuel the baseball card collector.

This treasure is in the form of a rare hard to find card. At other times you will see many baseball cards that have become collector's items simply because there are so few of them in circulation and in good condition.

If you're looking for a baseball card set there are a litany of places and little shops that will sell you complete sets of cards. The trick is to get a good set at a reasonable price. There are any number of guides available that you can research the market value of any given card or card set.

With the card guide you'll find all kinds of information on cards and baseball card sets that you are researching. Don't worry too much about overlap and duplication with your collections. Anyone who has collected and traded baseball cards will have some duplication. Use the duplication to your advantage as you can barter and trade cards with other collectors instead of actually exchanging funds.

The barter and trading strategy works well among traders because one person's duplication is another person's scarcity. If you are just getting started with developing and collecting your card sets, don't be afraid to visit shows and intermingle with other traders, you may have a card that someone really would like to have... and they may have one that will complete your set.

As for brand names in baseball cards, on of the long most recognized names in trading cards is the Topps Baseball Card Company. Topps carries all kinds of card sets from gift packs, hobby packs, and various team sets.

Baseball card sets from Topps can include team sets, various gift sets, hobby sets and much more. Topps is a high quality type of baseball card that is well respected amongst the marketplace. Each player or team's card will have the statistical information on the card itself so the baseball lover will also be able to check out the player or the team's records and information.

When you see the many different baseball card sets which you have the chance to buy, you will realize the many uses these card sets have. From being given as gifts to that of completing your own baseball card sets, the many cards in the field of baseball cards makes buying and collecting these cards a joy.

For more information on baseball cards, visit where you'll find information on cards such as the Babe Ruth Rookie Card, baseball card sets, & more.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Who Is Highest Paid Hollywood Actress

Who Is Highest Paid Hollywood Actress by steamtown

Reese Witherspoon is actually a descendant of John Witherspoon who just happened to be one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Do you think that her somewhat of a free spirit attitude is inherited?

Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon was born on March 22, 1976 at Southern Baptist Hospital (now Memorial Medical Center) in New Orleans, Louisiana. She was the second child born to Dr. John Witherspoon and Betty Reese. Her father was a military surgeon specializing in the ear, nose and throat. Her mother was a Registered Nurse who later became a Ph.D in pediatric nursing. Reese spent the first four years of her life in Wiesbaden, Germany where her father served as a lieutenant colonel in the US Army reserves. Shortly after, John moved the family back to the States, settling in Nashville, Tennessee.

She broke into modeling and lands an acting gig at age 7, shooting a TV commercial for a florist. She continued doing local commercials and takes first place in a Ten-State Talent Fair at age 11. Then atthe tender age 14, Witherspoon debuts in the coming-of-age drama The Man in the Moon, giving her first onscreen kiss to costar Jason London. She makes her television premiere the same year in the Diane Keaton directed drama Wildflower.

In 1996, Witherspoon's performance in Freeway established her as a up and coming rising star and led to roles in three major 1998 movies: Overnight Delivery, Pleasantville, and Twilight. In the following year Witherspoon appeared in the critically acclaimed Election, which garnered her a Golden Globe nomination and saw her breakout role as Elle Woods in the box office hit, that I thoroughly enjoyed, Legally Blonde. In 2002 she starred in Sweet Home Alabama, which became her biggest commercial film success to date. 2003 saw her return as lead actress and executive producer of Legally Blonde 2. In 2005, Witherspoon received worldwide attention and praise for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in Walk the Line, a role that earned her an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress. And all of this just before her 30th birthday.

She married actor Ryan Phillippe in 1999 and they have two beautiful children Ava and Deacon. But after only a few years together they got divorced in 2007.[The couple first met at Witherspoon's 21st birthday party.]

In 2004, Witherspoon starred in Vanity Fair, adapted from the 19th-century classic novel Vanity Fair and directed by Mira Nair and early-2005,Shestarred alongside Mark Ruffalo in the romantic comedy Just Like Heaven where she played Elizabeth Masterson, a dedicated San Francisco doctor who is involved in a car accident and becomes a spirit, her spirit, returns to her old apartment and she later finds true love there. And in 2006 she stared in the political thriller Rendention and it was her first appearance in two years and in 2007 she started filming for the comedy Four Christmasses.

In 2007, she was selected by People and the entertainment news program Access Hollywood as one of the best dressed female stars of the year.[86][87] That same year, Witherspoon established herself as the highest-paid actress in the American film industry, earning US$15 to US$20 million per film. What an amazing feat to accomplish considering the fact that Witherspoon is still so very young.Of course the competetion for this covited award seems to changing every few months. What a great race to be in. Names like Julie Roberts, Nicole Kidman,Roberts, Nicole Kidman, Drew Barrymore, Renee Zellweger, Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz, just to name a few.

Andrew Conway is an avid author,writer and a
classic movie buff. If you love watching movies or
just listening to great music, then visit:

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Jennifer Love Hewitt

Jennifer Love Hewitt
by fbuenanry

Jennifer Love Hewitt is reportedly pregnant and was expecting her first baby with fiancé Ross McCall in June. It's been talk of the town when everyone noticed the changes in her figure, larger than the usual. And it's never been an issue to her since its normal for every mothers-to-be to have that not usual body.

Jennifer Love Hewitt as Melinda Gordon the main character of the television series called “Ghost Whisper”(2005-2007), a strong willed girl with strange ability to hear spirits that able her to speak with them. She help them complete their task so they will be put to rest, and allow them to crossover into the light.

This Texas- born Jeniffer has been seen in the television series called “Confessions of a Sociopathic Social Climber” (2005), as Katya Livingston, in “Christmas Carol” (2004), as Emily, in “In The Game” (2004), as Riley Reed an up-and-coming sports producer and single mom that becomes an on-camera reporter for ESPN, in “The Audrey Hepburn Story” (2000) a biographic made-for-TV movie, she played as Audrey Hepburn the most famous Hollywood actress.

She has also been seen in the Movies called “Garfield” (2004), as Liz a young veterinarian and known as the real owner of Odie, “Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties” (2006), in the second movie here she is Jon's girlfriend, in “The Devil and Daniel Webster” (2004), as the Devil character of Satan also known as the prince of darkness, in “If Only” (2004), as Samantha Andrews an impetuous musician that dies in an accident after the fight with his boyfriend, in “The Tuxedo” (2002), as Del Blaine a science geek that was partner with a secret agent Devlin, in “I know what you did last summer” (1997), as Julie James one of the teens being hunted down after their car hit a stranger and dump the body into the sea, in “I Still Knew What you did Last Summer” (1998), the murderous fisherman is back to once again find and kill the survivors of the first movie. Jennifer has been nominated for Favorite Best Actress and Best Performance in movies and television programs many times.

This article was contributed by Sophia C. of Hollywood Celebrity Archives. Access to archive of your favorite personalities in Hollywood that includes celebrity photos, gossips, wallpapers, movies, news, profile and more.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

MySpace - the most successful social network

MySpace - the most successful social network
by M. Lokay

According to Alexa MySpace is on position sixth in the list of most frequented website. It is the biggest online community worldwide in front of Facebook.

MySpace was founded originally as a platform for musicians for communication with fans. Music band should be able to inform the fanx about the latest news, concerts and other events. But the site quickly turned into a communication platform for everyone. Teenagers express themselves on MySpace and grown ups can find people with similar interests and hobbies.

Each MySpace member gets a personal profile - the so called "space". This profile includes a couple of standard elements like blogs and buddy lists. There's also a comments section where friends can express their opinion and leave greetings. Every user is able to change the genereal appearance of their own profile by adding css styles. You can also enter HTML code to specific areas of the profile. You do not need to know anything about web programming - there are lots of MySpace profile pimping sites, so called MySpace Layouts websites out there. Most of these sites offer their service for free. They provide premade layouts and some of the also contain background graphics and other tools to modify a MySpace profile. Usually they provide a html code snippet. A user just has to copy the code snippet into the appropriate fields of their Space.

Most of these layouts are free and are related to a specific topic. You can find layouts for most of the famous rock and pop musicians and you also find a a lot of celebrity related layouts.

Currently MySpace has about 300 million registered users worldwide and the number increases every day. Though, the number of active members is not published.

MySpace is a great place to express yourself and find new friends or people with similar hobbies. You may also seek for potential business partners or new band members partners. MySpace is still music related but you can also include other media in your profile. Many internet websites tried to copy the concept of MySpace and start a similar service but none of them is as successful as MySpace.

Martin Katulago is the designer of many MySpace Layouts and backgroud graphics for myspace profiles and also performs internet marketing for german and english internet business sites.

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Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Utah Ski Resorts - A Fantastic Family Vacation

Utah Ski Resorts - A Fantastic Family Vacation by Candace Smith

Utah offers plenty of exciting opportunities for skiing and snowboarding. Utah ski resorts have a wonderful combination of professional skiers and boarders in nearby residence, excellent snow, and proximity to major airports. Regardless of whether you prefer skiing or snowboarding - or even if you like to dabble in both - Utah is an amazingly beautiful and fun destination for your next winter trip.

There are two major areas where most of the resorts are located at: Park City and Salt Lake City. Both boast an abundance of ski resorts, so it's important to do your research to figure out which is the best destination for you. Don't forget that Salt Lake City and Park City are a mere half an hour's drive away from each other, so there's no reason why you can't visit both on the same trip! Salt Lake City has a big advantage in that it has a major airport that's closest to both resort areas.

Visit several different online travel agencies for an idea of what package deals are available for Utah ski resorts during the time of year that you're traveling. You'll find that there are lots of different choices. Your lodgings can range from an inexpensive motel or hotel to a complete spa resort experience.

Many of the packages that are on the travel sites will include bonuses like lift tickets when you purchase either a hotel stay of a certain length, or a combination of plane tickets and a hotel stay. Because of these great deals, it certainly pays to shop around!

Of course, before you leave for your trip, you'll want to check out the snow reports for the area you're visiting. You can also find maps of the ski runs available online from most of the Utah ski resorts. Go by the popular motto and Be Prepared!you'll appreciate the preparation when you can relax upon your arrival!

Planning a Ski Vacation to Utah? Visit Skiing in Utah and get the scoop on all the different Utah Ski Resorts including Park City Ski Area to help you choose which is best for you.

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