Thursday, January 24, 2008

Popular brands of DVD player

Popular brands of DVD player by Victor Epand

Music is the food for life. Probably with this slogan, the manufacturers produced or invented various kinds of music players for music lovers. Among the various kinds of music player, DVD players are now at the height of its popularity.

In order to meet the demands of DVD players some of the leading electronic manufacturers like Philips, Sony, Samsung, LG, Toshiba, Kenwood, Videocon have started manufacturing DVD players that has become quite popular. Let us go through the details of various models of these DVD players.

Sony Corporation is considered as one of the world's largest manufacturers in the field of video, electronics, video game, information technology and so on. Their products are equally popular both among the professionals and the non-professionals and the consumers. Like the latest Sony BDP-S300 Blu-Ray DVD players has drawn the attention of many music lovers. It has got excellent picture quality with a HDMI output. The design of this player consist of a LED display on the underneath half of the face. The basic playback controls are situated in the upper right section. Including this the buyer can also find a handy chapter on forward and backward buttons. The open, close and the power buttons are on the top of the player. The BDP-S300 has the glowing blue front panel buttons. This model can play standard definitions DVDs, audio CDs and burned MP3 and JPEG files on CDs and DVDs.

Based in South Korea Samsung Group is considered as one of the largest multinational corporation in the list of world's major industries. The features of Samsung BD-P1200 DVD player include the capability of playing standard definition DVDs and CDs and playing Blu-ray discs. The design of this model can be labeled as classic. The front of the player is glossy black whereas the bottom has a thin strip of silver. The power button is placed on the far left and the LED display is on the far right. The other models of this company are Samsung DVD-HD870 player, Samsung BD UP5000 Duo HD player, Samsung BD-P1400 Blu-Ray disc player etc.

Headquarter in Tokyo, Japan Toshiba Corporation is a Japanese multinational manufacturing company whose business are centered in the fields of electronics and electrical engineering. With the merging of two companies, Toshiba was founded in the year 1939. The semiconductors made by Toshiba are listed among the world's top 20 semiconductor sales leaders. Recently, with the growing popularity of DVD player Toshiba has also started manufacturing DVD players.

Some of the popular models of this company include Toshiba HD-A2 HD DVD player, Toshiba HD-AX2 HD DVD player, Toshiba HD-A35 HD DVD player etc. Some of the features of the model of Toshiba HD-A20 includes the capability of playing standard DVDs and audio CDs. The design of this model is glossy black and sloped forwardly. The Power button turns blue when it is on. The bottom third of the player consists of flip-down panel, covering up the additional front panels controls like play, stop and backward/forward.

Victor Epand is an expert consultant for used DVDs, used movies, and used car stereos. You can find the best marketplace for used DVDs, used movies, and used car stereos at these sites for DVD player, audio CD, used movies, and used car stereos.

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