Friday, January 18, 2008

MySpace - the most successful social network

MySpace - the most successful social network
by M. Lokay

According to Alexa MySpace is on position sixth in the list of most frequented website. It is the biggest online community worldwide in front of Facebook.

MySpace was founded originally as a platform for musicians for communication with fans. Music band should be able to inform the fanx about the latest news, concerts and other events. But the site quickly turned into a communication platform for everyone. Teenagers express themselves on MySpace and grown ups can find people with similar interests and hobbies.

Each MySpace member gets a personal profile - the so called "space". This profile includes a couple of standard elements like blogs and buddy lists. There's also a comments section where friends can express their opinion and leave greetings. Every user is able to change the genereal appearance of their own profile by adding css styles. You can also enter HTML code to specific areas of the profile. You do not need to know anything about web programming - there are lots of MySpace profile pimping sites, so called MySpace Layouts websites out there. Most of these sites offer their service for free. They provide premade layouts and some of the also contain background graphics and other tools to modify a MySpace profile. Usually they provide a html code snippet. A user just has to copy the code snippet into the appropriate fields of their Space.

Most of these layouts are free and are related to a specific topic. You can find layouts for most of the famous rock and pop musicians and you also find a a lot of celebrity related layouts.

Currently MySpace has about 300 million registered users worldwide and the number increases every day. Though, the number of active members is not published.

MySpace is a great place to express yourself and find new friends or people with similar hobbies. You may also seek for potential business partners or new band members partners. MySpace is still music related but you can also include other media in your profile. Many internet websites tried to copy the concept of MySpace and start a similar service but none of them is as successful as MySpace.

Martin Katulago is the designer of many MySpace Layouts and backgroud graphics for myspace profiles and also performs internet marketing for german and english internet business sites.

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