Friday, April 30, 2010

What is Important in Life? by Shaun Samuel

When we are healthy, we seldom think about what it feels like to be sick. But when we are really and truly sick, all we can think about is being healthy again.

No matter how much wealth we manage to accumulate in this world, it is virtually useless without good health. This is tied closely to the knowledge of our own mortality. Deep down, we all know that we only have a handful of decades on Earth and then it's over.

In light of that, what becomes important then? That is indeed an interesting question. What is important cannot be money, because we can't take it with us when we die. What is important can't be our possessions because, once again, they are not going with us. Having money and possessions is very temporary. Those things cease to matter to us when we die.

Some turn to their relationships when they realize this. They feel that family and friends must be the most important thing then. Yet, we will lose contact with family and friends when we pass away too.

Some people die and then come back. They call this the near-death experience. Many of those people talk about what they saw in the state of death. They also talk about how they feel which is almost universally wonderful. There are a few that report going to a very bad place, but the majority feel good. They are free from the pain and suffering of their mortal bodies.

In the near-death experience, many talk about the life review process, where they see their entire lives displayed before them. The good things they do and the bad are right there. In addition they see how their actions and words affected others too. Apparently it can be quite painful to recognize how much we hurt others and caused others pain.

They also get to see the good things they did. I remember one woman who went through the life review process said that the most significant act in her entire life occurred when she was a little girl. She said that the most important action out of her entire life was holding a little flower in her hand and giving it unconditional love. That was it, out of her entire life that was deemed the most significant thing she ever did.

In light of that, we can conclude that what is important is not who we were but how well we treated others in this life. Therefore, when we contemplate our lives and set our goals, maybe it would be a good idea if we thought about others first.

Life is not temporary, but life on Earth is temporary. How are we going to face all those people who are watching what we do, when it is all over? Hopefully, we will have done things that we can be joyous about.

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Article Source: What is Important in Life?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Law of Attraction: Stop Attracting What You Don't Want by Isobel Phillips

The concept of the Law of Attraction is very simple: Like Attracts Like. What that means to us is that our thoughts attract more thoughts like them, so when our thoughts are mainly negative, it's easier to keep thinking negative thoughts than positive ones. The result is that our negative thoughts attract people, circumstances and experiences into our lives that we don't want.

Where do our thoughts come from?

Mostly, they come from that little voice inside our head saying things like “I never have enough money!”, “Everyone takes advantage of me”, “No one really likes me”, “I hate my job” and so on. These thoughts are almost unconscious for most of us, we're not deliberately thinking them but they form the background to our lives. And because of the Law of Attraction, the thoughts we think attract other similar thoughts, remember? So this negative, unconscious audio loop in our heads is attracting more and more thoughts like it, more and more negativity, sending us into a downward spiral of attracting things we don't want – and we're not even aware we're doing it!

How do we break the pattern?

What we need to do is a “pattern interrupt”; we need to become aware of these thoughts and deliberately change them to something more positive. However, most of us have lives to live, we can't sit around all day tuning into our thoughts; and even if we could, it would soon drive us crazy! Luckily, we have a simple, inbuilt guidance system that lets us know immediately we have a negative thought.

Our inbuilt guidance system

The guidance system is our emotions. When we feel down or depressed, angry or frustrated, it's because that audio tape is producing negative thoughts and our emotions are alerting us to them. When we feel bad, it's always because of the thoughts we're thinking.

Our emotions warn us of what's going on, but it's left to us to do something about it. Unless we deliberately break the pattern of our negative thoughts, under the Law of Attraction they'll continue to grow. Unfortunately, if we're feeling powerless or angry, it usually takes more than an effort of will to consciously think optimistic and happy thoughts.

Two ways to break the pattern

There are lots of ways to interrupt the pattern, but I like these two especially because they're fun and effective. The first one comes from Tony Robbins and it's simply impossible to do it and stay serious. For that reason, you might not want to do it with other people around!

If you're sitting down, stand up quickly; without stopping to think, raise both hands above your head, look up and shout as loudly as you can: “Hallelujah! My feet smell!” and then sit down again. I challenge you to stay miserable after that!

My second method is a bit more “work-friendly” and won't have you carted off by men in white coats. It's best done in front of a mirror (or anything reflective, even a computer screen), but it can be done anywhere, anytime. If you have a mirror, look into your own eyes and SMILE. Watch for the smile to reach your eyes – you'll see it happen. Without a mirror, think about smiling with your eyes and then let the smile grow naturally. You'll feel the shift in your body.

Don't stop now!

Now you've stopped attracting what you don't want, learn how to attract what you DO want.

I found the secret of living a life of success and happiness

I've gone from being an underpaid teacher in the UK to living the life of my dreams in the sun.

Go to to find out how I did it.

Article Source: Law of Attraction: Stop Attracting What You Don't Want

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

How To Have A Millionaire Mind by drkellypsychic

If you aren't living a life of success and wealth, chances are you've been programmed to think like a poor person! But here's an easy way to change it.

There are many reasons for "poverty thinking", but the truth is that this negative programming all started in your childhood. How your parents and other adults around you felt and acted about money and success greatly influenced you--for the good and bad. If your parents thought that "rich people" were thieves, or snobs, or lazy, then chances are your subconscious has been programmed to think that success is bad!

Even if your conscious mind wants money, craves success, and KNOWS that living a good life is perfectly okay, as long as your subconscious mind feels otherwise nothing you do will change your current lifestyle. start getting your conscious and subconscious to work together!

I'm a firm believer in Universal Energies. Whether you want to call this energy "God, Spirit, The One, Great Goddess" or anything else is up to you. We all know there's something out there greater than ourselves and if we can learn to tap into this energy and use it to our benefit, life can be downright amazing! So how can this Universal Energy help you achieve wealth and success?

The Universe can't help you if it doesn't know what you want. You may think it's simple, "Oh! I want money! Lots of it!" Well, who doesn't? The fact is you need focus your intent or you won't see changes very quickly, if at all.

Life is full of opportunities and ideas to help us along, IF we know what it is we want and how to spot potential good fortune when it's coming our way. The easiest way to do this is to make a list of five things you want in life at this time. Write it down in the present tense such as, "I'm in a job I enjoy and make over five thousand dollars a month." Or, "I'm making three sales every day." Whatever you want to achieve, write it down as if it's already happening.

Make your requests simple, logical, and something that can actually happen. For instance, you wouldn't want to put on your list that you're a world famous rock star or wealthier than Bill Gates. Although these things could happen, it's highly unlikely. The Universe can only give us the tools we know how to use. Bill Gates was given information from the Universe and he knew what to do with it! I'll be honest, if the Universe sent me the same information they sent him I'd just let it go right out of my head because the same materials Bill Gates works with is not what I can work with.

Read your list every day when you wake up and before you go to bed. This information will slowly find its way into your subconscious and help make it a reality for you. I have a list I keep under my pillow so I can "sleep on it" every night. In my wallet is also a list I read whenever I can throughout the day. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to stray from the path you want to travel if you don't stay focused.

Now...wait and pay attention. Slowly but surely your conscious and subconscious will begin working together and you'll soon witness changes in your life--some big, many small. New people, new opportunities, new ways of thinking, and easier problem solving are just a few of the positive changes you'll most likely encounter.

Changing your poverty ways of thinking isn't an overnight project, but it's necessary if you truly want to become a success magnet!

Kelly Wallace is a certified counselor, natural health consultant, multi-published author, teacher, speaker, radio show host, self-proclaimed workaholic, mother of five daughters, and a professional psychic who reads for over one thousand clients per year. See why she's rated #1 by clients worldwide!

Article Source: How To Have A Millionaire Mind

Monday, April 26, 2010

How The Law Of Attraction Can Help You Create Your Dream Life by Rich Thorne

If you are like most people, you have likely heard of law of attraction, but you do not have a thorough understanding as to how this law actually applies to your life. There are a variety of different subjects you can study in the world in order to enhance your state of being, but it is unlikely that you will find a subject that can enhance your life more than the subject of the LOA. Once you understand the LOA, you can will begin to live the life of your dreams.

Many people are curious as to how the LOA actually works though. If you are wondering how this law can actually work in your life, you should attempt to understand the basic premise of this law, which is like attracts like. Basically, as you focus on a subject, you will become more like the subject you are focusing on. So, if you focus on a happy person, it is likely that you too will be happier to an extent as a result.

To go into further detail, there is a group of people who clearly state that the world in which we live is simply a combination of vibrations. This means that each subject in your life, and every object in person as well, is vibrating at a specific frequency. This vibrating energy attracts energy that is vibrating at similar frequencies.

If a person were to focus on a specific object, person, or idea, they too would begin to vibrate like the subject of their point of focus. When anyone focuses on a single subject for an extended period of time, they began to vibrate like their point of focus to such an extent that they began to attract experiences into their life that match the vibration of their point of focus.

If you are like most people, you are likely wondering how you can actually apply this law to your life. Many people find this law to be the perfect tool to use for achieving their goals. In order to achieve any of your goals, simply began by focusing on the end result you wish to achieve. As you give attention to the goal you wish to fulfill, you will begin to move yourself closer to the fulfillment of that goal.

After you have given your attention to your goal for a period of time, inspired action will begin to arise within your mind. These ideas for actions you can take to achieve your goals are very valuable thoughts. Once you begin to implement these inspired actions into your life, you will begin to see yourself moving towards the fulfillment of your goal at a rapid pace.

Many people have seen their lives progress towards their ultimate goals without even taking inspired actions. Other people prefer to take inspired actions in order to speed up the process of fulfilling their goals. By consistently applying actions towards achieving your goals, you will notice that your entire life can easily be transformed in order to achieve any goal you may lay out for yourself.

Before you get started with using the law of attraction in your life, you should know that there is no limit to the amount of goals or the type of goals you can achieve by using this process. As you continue to give your attention to your ultimate dream life, and you continue to take the inspired actions you come across, you will find yourself consistently moving towards the fulfillment of your grandest desires.

Rich Thorne says discover my secrets and learn about The Law of Attraction download my free eBook, . I find the best information available to help you the best way possible.

Article Source: How The Law Of Attraction Can Help You Create Your Dream Life

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fish Oil for Depression Strange but True by Linksys

For me, depression was never simply a mood issue. I had problems focusing on anything, I had difficulty sleeping, and I either ate much too much or barely anything at all. It affected my grades, my career, and my relationships with friends and family. By the time I got to college it was so serious that I ended up in an ER.

I ultimately began getting help for depression, and it did the trick alright. For a while at least. I got my life back together, patched up a lot of friendships, and started dating my future husband. But underneath it all, I knew something was still wrong. When we got the news that we were having a baby, I knew the risks of post partum depression, but I figured since I'd survived such a major depressive episode I could take it.

'll bet you can probably guess how well that went for me.

Another hospitalization, a massive strain on my marriage, and two weeks away from my baby boy later, I swore to myself that I would never let something like this happen again. So when I found out a few years later that #2 was on his way, I just knew I couldn't wait around and let depression sneak up on me again.

Counseling alone just wasn't doing enough, so my counselor put me the number for a psychiatrist. I went to his office expecting to have to haggle him down on the dosage of an anti-depressant to cut down on the risk to my baby, but he shocked me. He explained he'd read about a fish oil study that suggested it has mood stabilizing effects for women and adolescents with mild to moderate depression. Seeing as I wasn't in the middle of a crisis, and we didn't want to take any unneccesary risks with the baby, we decided to try it out.

Long story short, it worked. Within two weeks, I was already feeling an improvement and the feeling went on all the way through to the birth and beyond. No baby blues, no depression. What really made me happy, though, was the knowledge that there were no detrimental side effects for me or the baby. As a matter of fact, the other benefits of fish oils are well accepted. DHA supplements are believed to help with eye and brain development for infants before and after birth, and DHA and EPA have proven benefits for cardiovascular health.

I know this probably won't work for everybody, but in all my talks with other people with depression we shared one concern: are the side-effects worth the cure? Anti-depressants can be really useful for some people, but they involve a number of risks that are very bad for the people who get hit with them. Using fish oil for depression, the only thing I've ever run into personally is side benefits. I'm not a doctor, and I certainly can't give anyone medical advice. I can only give you my story. In my experience, this helped, and I hope that if you're suffering from the same issues I did, you'll talk to your doctor about all your choices.

Sarah Foster is an active mother and mental health advocate. She blogs about the benefits of fish oils on her site: Fish Oil for Depression.

Article Source: Fish Oil for Depression Strange but True

Friday, April 23, 2010

Acquire Your Power Through Self Development by tom775

It is the natural right of every human being to be happy to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do suffer. Happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom, to comprehend fully the purpose of life, to realize completely the relationship of human beings to each other, is to put an end to all suffering, to escape every ill and evil that afflicts us. Perfect wisdom is unshadowed joy.

Why do we suffer in life? Because in the scheme of nature we are being forced forward in evolution and we lack the spiritual illumination that alone can light the way and enable us to move safely among the obstacles that lie before us. Usually we do not even see or suspect the presence of trouble until it suddenly leaps upon us like a concealed tiger. One day our family circle is complete and happy. A week later death has come and gone and joy is replaced with agony. Today we have a friend. Tomorrow he will be an enemy and we do not know why. A little while ago we had wealth and all material luxuries. There was a sudden change and now we have only poverty and misery and yet we seek in vain for a reason why this should be. There was a time when we had health and strength; but they have both departed and no trace of a reason appears. Aside from these greater tragedies of life innumerable things of lesser consequence continually bring to us little miseries and minor heartaches. We most earnestly desire to avoid them but we never see them until they strike us, until in the darkness of our ignorance we blunder upon them. The thing we lack is the spiritual illumination that will enable us to look far and wide, finding the hidden causes of human suffering and revealing the method by which they may be avoided; and if we can but reach illumination the evolutionary journey can be made both comfortably and swiftly. It is as though we must pass through a long, dark room filled with furniture promiscuously scattered about. In the darkness our progress would be slow and painful and our bruises many. But if we could press a button that would turn on the electric light we could then make the same journey quickly and with perfect safety and comfort.

The old method of education was to store the mind with as many facts, or supposed facts, as could be accumulated and to give a certain exterior polish to the personality. The theory was that when a man was born he was a completed human being and that all that could be done for him was to load him up with information that would be used with more or less skill, according to the native ability he happened to be born with. The theosophical idea is that the physical man, and all that constitutes his life in the physical world, is but a very partial expression of the self; that in the ego of each there is practically unlimited power and wisdom; that these may be brought through into expression in the physical world as the physical body and its invisible counterparts, which together constitute the complex vehicle of the ego's manifestation, are evolved and adapted to the purpose; and that in exact proportion that conscious effort is given to such self-development will spiritual illumination be achieved and wisdom attained. Thus the light that leads to happiness is kindled from within and the evolutionary journey that all are making may be robbed of its suffering.

Why does death bring misery? Chiefly because it separates us from those we love. The only other reason why death brings grief or fear is because we do not understand it and comprehend the part it plays in human evolution. But the moment our ignorance gives way to comprehension such fear vanishes and a serene happiness takes its place.

Why do we have enemies from whose words or acts we suffer? Because in our limited physical consciousness we do not perceive the unity of all life and realize that our wrong thinking and doing must react upon us through other people a situation from which there is no possible escape except through ceasing to think evil and then patiently awaiting the time when the causes we have already generated are fully exhausted. When spiritual illumination comes, and we no longer stumble in the night of ignorance, the last enemy will disappear and we shall make no more forever.

Why do people suffer from poverty and disease? Only because of our blundering ignorance that makes their existence possible for us, and because we do not comprehend their meaning and their lessons, nor know the attitude to assume toward them. Had we but the wisdom to understand why they come to people, why they are necessary factors in their evolution, they would trouble us no longer. When nature's lesson is fully learned these mute teachers will vanish.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons they teach they are no longer necessary and disappear. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men become wise and great. It is by developing the soul from within until it illuminates the brain with that flood of light called genius.

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Article Source: Acquire Your Power Through Self Development

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Managing Emotions – Strategy to control Depression and Stress by GS Virk

As are your thoughts, your emotions are in the moment. Conflicting emotions are strong constraints in mind. The managing emotions are learned through regular practice of awareness of its positive and negative thoughts. Measuring happiness depends largely on how effective you are in control of emotion.

The emotions are ephemeral, bound to swing. Emotions are transient and related to the movement of thoughts in mind in the moment. The thoughts of happy events in the present moment are to make you happy. Thoughts of sad events of today are to make you sad. When meeting a friend, you feel happy. But a moment later, seeing the enemy, you become sad, angry and worried. As are your thoughts, your emotions are in the moment.

When you work with any reluctance you transport movements of negative thoughts in your mind. This makes you the excitement of this movement full of anger and irritation and you feel sad. But a moment later, while doing the same job with the acceptance, your emotions are filled with peace and love and you feel happy. Measuring happiness depends largely on how effective you are in control of emotions.

Conflicting emotions are strong constraints in mind. It becomes unbearable in a physical situation causing contradictory thoughts in mind in the moment. Managing emotions means that you can be happier and able to cope with problems in a better way.

The first step in managing emotions is self-consciousness. The right or wrong way of thinking depends on complex factors of culture, education, attitude, belief, economic situation and the footprints of civilization. Most people do not realize the harmful effects of flooding mind with negative thoughts.

The managing emotions are learned through regular practice of awareness of its positive and negative thoughts. . Take steps to feel the damage caused by negative thoughts in creating emotions sad and stressful. Continue to trying to keep positive thoughts to create emotions, full of happiness in the moment. In this strategy, we can live a dignified life, without stress, even in situations of poor physical health.

There is no remedy against stress on the mind born out of negative emotions, but positive thinking. The uncertainty of the physical situation can not be amended many times. Outstanding issues in mind can not be solved many times. But their thoughts can be controlled by repeated practice is self-consciousness. Nobody is immune from stress. But the situation that causes stress can be managed by managing emotions.

Immediate relief from stress caused by emotions is obtained by diverting his attention. The transmission of emotional distress and deliberately trying to do something else can redirect emotional energy. It is always useful. This strategy will provide temporary relief from the tension caused by emotions directed by unpleasant thoughts that flows through the mind control.

Continue to focus on the unconscious negative thoughts lead to emotions dark and stress in the mind. Continue to focus consciously witness positive thoughts leads to neutralize the movement of pain and stress in the mind. Humor is the best remedy to control the movement of pain, if your heart.

Author has published books on spirituality, Yoga, Meditation, Gita , Sikhism, God , Spiritual Sculptures and phones. All are fully accessible online at Heavenly Gardens, and are for beginners.

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GS Virk

Article Source: Managing Emotions – Strategy to control Depression and Stress

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

How To Have A Millionaire Mind by drkellypsychic

If you aren't living a life of success and wealth, chances are you've been programmed to think like a poor person! But here's an easy way to change it.

There are many reasons for "poverty thinking", but the truth is that this negative programming all started in your childhood. How your parents and other adults around you felt and acted about money and success greatly influenced you--for the good and bad. If your parents thought that "rich people" were thieves, or snobs, or lazy, then chances are your subconscious has been programmed to think that success is bad!

Even if your conscious mind wants money, craves success, and KNOWS that living a good life is perfectly okay, as long as your subconscious mind feels otherwise nothing you do will change your current lifestyle. start getting your conscious and subconscious to work together!

I'm a firm believer in Universal Energies. Whether you want to call this energy "God, Spirit, The One, Great Goddess" or anything else is up to you. We all know there's something out there greater than ourselves and if we can learn to tap into this energy and use it to our benefit, life can be downright amazing! So how can this Universal Energy help you achieve wealth and success?

The Universe can't help you if it doesn't know what you want. You may think it's simple, "Oh! I want money! Lots of it!" Well, who doesn't? The fact is you need focus your intent or you won't see changes very quickly, if at all.

Life is full of opportunities and ideas to help us along, IF we know what it is we want and how to spot potential good fortune when it's coming our way. The easiest way to do this is to make a list of five things you want in life at this time. Write it down in the present tense such as, "I'm in a job I enjoy and make over five thousand dollars a month." Or, "I'm making three sales every day." Whatever you want to achieve, write it down as if it's already happening.

Make your requests simple, logical, and something that can actually happen. For instance, you wouldn't want to put on your list that you're a world famous rock star or wealthier than Bill Gates. Although these things could happen, it's highly unlikely. The Universe can only give us the tools we know how to use. Bill Gates was given information from the Universe and he knew what to do with it! I'll be honest, if the Universe sent me the same information they sent him I'd just let it go right out of my head because the same materials Bill Gates works with is not what I can work with.

Read your list every day when you wake up and before you go to bed. This information will slowly find its way into your subconscious and help make it a reality for you. I have a list I keep under my pillow so I can "sleep on it" every night. In my wallet is also a list I read whenever I can throughout the day. You'd be surprised at how easy it is to stray from the path you want to travel if you don't stay focused.

Now...wait and pay attention. Slowly but surely your conscious and subconscious will begin working together and you'll soon witness changes in your life--some big, many small. New people, new opportunities, new ways of thinking, and easier problem solving are just a few of the positive changes you'll most likely encounter.

Changing your poverty ways of thinking isn't an overnight project, but it's necessary if you truly want to become a success magnet!

Kelly Wallace is a certified counselor, natural health consultant, multi-published author, teacher, speaker, radio show host, self-proclaimed workaholic, mother of five daughters, and a professional psychic who reads for over one thousand clients per year. See why she's rated #1 by clients worldwide!

Article Source: How To Have A Millionaire Mind

Monday, April 19, 2010

Time Management Techniques by Tiffany Norris

The mastery of time management techniques is the key to increased productivity and a better quality of life overall. You'll find that after learning and mastering time management techniques, you'll have ample time in your day to accomplish not only the items you've prioritized on your to-do list, but also for the fun things in life.

Becoming more efficient at work and at home involves learning a few techniques and utilizing time management tools effectively. Time management techniques are focused on the idea of efficiency and minimizing the loss of time, energy, and money. Manage your time and organize your day by:

Planning your day/week/month

Allocating tasks

Setting realistic goals for your professional and personal life

Delegating certain tasks to others

Analyzing your tasks/time

Monitoring your progress (or lack of it),

Organizing your physical space - office, home, home office

Prioritize your day – include work-oriented tasks and the fun things too


Successful Time Management Techniques

FIT - An attempt to manage all the factors that control a specific task or project, including financial investment, human resources, location, importance, and profits.

ABC analysis - Remember how to alphabetize? Arrange your tasks under 'A', 'B', or 'C' in the order of importance or urgency.

Pareto analysis - arranging tasks based on the time it takes to complete each one, giving priority to the tasks that can be completed the most quickly.

POSEC - this technique for managing your time more effectively promises to help you Prioritize, Organize, Streamline, Economize, and Contribute.

Tools for Managing Your Time Efficiently

In addition to the techniques listed above, you'll also want the following tools on hand to help you execute the techniques properly.

Planner or organizer that fits your personality and organization style

Clock or watch

To-do lists - you can do these by hand or on the computer

Time management software - these programs are designed to help you learn how to manage your time and help you put your new-found knowledge to work

Some people prefer having all of these tools in one hand-held device called a PDA, or Personal Digital Assistant. Within this handy electronic device, you can store and manage your calendar and tasks, download the software, and see what time it is at a glance. This is handy for those who prefer not to deal with pen and paper.

How Do You Implement Time Management Techniques Successfully?

Are you a person who prefers to have some direction and instruction from someone with more knowledge than yourself in these areas of managing your time efficiently? A professional business coach could be just the right person to talk to about showing you the best way to incorporate these new techniques and tools into your life.

The software mentioned could be daunting for some people. However, a business coach will have the ability to recommend one that could be a good fit for you based on personality and your situation. Some coaches are even willing and able to train you on how to use the software.

About Author:

At Dial a we offer coaching resources designed to help you create YOUR perfect tomorrow. Discover more about a life coach

Article Source: Time Management Techniques

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Yoga Techniques Can Help You Stop Your Body Aging by Chloe Brown

It's no secret that yoga increases flexibility. With practice, you will notice that you can bend and stretch your body in ways you never have before.

Some yoga practitioners believe that an individual's age can be identified with the flexibility of the spine, and not through how many years they actually are. This means that if you are 45 and lack spine flexibility, then you might well have the body of a 55 year old. Whereas if you have spine flexibility at the age of 45, you might well have the body of a 35 year old.

As the years roll on, it's real easy to find that you've put a strain on your body by eating and drinking the wrong foods and drinks, in too greater quantities. You might also find that your work and other stresses has caused you to develop bad posture.

Not to mention that if you've taken little or no regular exercise through your more active years, this will all have a detrimental effect on you and your body. Put bluntly, your body needs precision care and attention throughout or it will let you down one day.

The truth is that the ultimate most effective way to look after your body naturally is through various yoga techniques.

Done on a regular basis, yoga can improve your movement and your health.

Find the yoga techniques that work for you and you can very easily do them to combat the aging process. These yoga techinques are great in preserving your age and maintaining your body because it slows down the aging process by: providing suppleness to your abdominal muscles, flexibility to your spine, eliminating tensions, firming up your skin and improving your posture.

Ever struggled out of a chair? You're losing your flexibility! That's why one of your primary goals should be to keep your spine healthy and stretched. You should think about yoga techniques that will force you to stretch and practice your breathing both of which will help increase agility and flexibility. There are no age requirements in yoga. Whether you're a strapping youngster or a meek senior, you can get into the routine and enjoy the benefits.

What's important is that you begin at a pace that is right for you and you then slowly build upon that.

Remember, warming up and cooling down are as important as doing the yoga techniques to halt body aging. Without a doubt, the second that you feel any pain or discomfort, you should stop and take a break.

With time and patience you will see that you will soon be doing the difficult poses with ease.

Medical evidence proves that if you're looking for a way to slow down the aging process, yoga will not only help you do just that, but it can also improve your mental powers.

Yoga offers a complete and full method by which you can not only revitalize your body and life, but it also has extremely great advantages for your body, mind and spirit.

The Anti Aging Site Don't put up with wrinkles and age spots! LOOK the way you STILL feel!

Article Source: Yoga Techniques Can Help You Stop Your Body Aging

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bent Over Rows For A Muscular back by Nick Andrade

The bent over row is one of the basic upper and middle back exercises. For some time now, bodybuilders, power lifters and athletes have been using the bent over row as a way to increase the strength and size of the muscles in the middle to upper back. If you're looking to add bulk and shape to your upper body, then the bent row is an important exercise that you must fit into your upper back workouts.

Targeting the Latissimus Dorsi, the barbell row combines the powerful benefits of allowing you to train through a complete range of motion with a heavy weight and allowing you to target your lats with laser precision and move closer to the v-shaped upper body that you really want! While many of the best top bodybuilding exercises allow you to train multiple body part at the same time, the bent row doesn't allow any other muscle groups to steal the show and decrease the amount of work that your lats do. This is one of the big benefits to planning barbell rows into your upper back workouts. The heavy weights that you can perform this exercise with allow to to really hammer your lats.

Muscles Stimulated During The Bent Over Row

Aside from the Latissimus Dorsi, there are a few other body parts that carry a thier share of the load. To complete this movement the Brachialis, Posterior Deltoid,Teres Major,Brachioradialis and Biceps Brachii all contribute, but the vast majority of the load is carried by the lats\upper back. When performed with proper form, the barbell row uses very few of the muscles listed above, but when performed with sloppy form, it is one of those exercises that can start to transfer a lot of the load from the target muscle group to the secondary muscle groups. that's just one of the reasons that it's critical to learn how to perform barbell rows the right way.

How To Perform The Bent Row

1. Grasp the Barbell with an overhand grip with your hands spaced slightly wider than shoulder width. Spread your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees slightly. Lean forward at the waist at approximately a 45° angle. Make sure to keep your back straight during the full range of the movement. If you're body is aligned properly, then the bar should be positioned just above your knee prior to beginning the exercise.

2. Pull the bar up to the lower portion of your chest, making sure to keep your core muscles contracted (in order to stabilize your spine). When properly performed, you will basically be lifting your elbows up towards the sky while holding your upper body in a stationary position.

While performing the bent over row, you should feel the muscles in your latissimus dorsi (lats) contracting. The lats are located along both sides of the spine along your back. In order to ensure that you are focusing on the lats properly, it helps to picture the muscles that you are using (or supposed to be using) and to attempt to pull your shoulder blades up and back at the top of the exercise, this will force your latissimus dorsi to contract if it isn't already engaged. Once you feel the muscles that are supposed to be performing the bulk of the work during bent over rows, then it becomes easier to make small adjustments to your form to ensure that the right muscles are being targeted.

3. Allow the bar to move back down to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner, but still focus on using your lats to complete the eccentric portion of the lift.

keep in mind that varying the position of your grip will allow you to target different parts of your middle and upper back. If you perform barbell rows with an overhand grip, you will place an emphasis on the lower part of the trapezius and your rhomboids. While performing bent rows with an underhand grip will place most of the emphasis on the upper portion of the trapezius and the biceps brachii.

If you're looking to increase the size and strength of your upper and middle back, then bent rows should be a major part of your lat workouts. Not only will you be able to target your upper back with laser precision and take a step towards acquiring the v-taper upper body, but you'll be able to train with a heavy enough weight to make a noticeable difference quickly.

If you enjoyed the bent over row tips in this article, You'll love all of the free exercise demonstrations at! While you're there, sign up for the Free "5 Secrets To Building More Muscle In Less Time" Mini-Course and discover how to gain muscle mass in less time...starting today!

Article Source: Bent Over Rows For A Muscular back

Friday, April 16, 2010

Top 5 Reasons For Starting a Home Based Business

Top 5 Reasons For Starting a Home Based Business

By Catherine Whitmyre

There are many reasons it's a good idea to have an online business, some of which are personal, but many of which apply to almost anyone. I've compiled a list of my top 5 reasons for choosing to operate an online business as opposed to an offline, traditional brick and mortar business.

1. Start-up costs are usually pretty minimal, making an online business a low-risk opportunity with the potential for very high profits. Most people already have a computer and internet access which are two of the biggest expenses in most cases. Now, if you plan on selling products, you may have some additional start-up costs associated with that. However, there are ways to even make this less of an expense than if you were opening up a traditional store.

2. Online businesses are "open" 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. They operate while you are sleeping, while you are on vacation, and while you are sick. This gives you many more opportunities to make sales than you would have in a traditional brick and mortar business where customers can only purchase from you when you are open.

3. The world is your customer base. An offline business usually only caters to customers in your town or possibly region. But an online business can potentially attract customers from around the world. This increase in potential customers means you have the opportunity to sell more than you ever dreamed possible.

4. You can start an online business part-time while continuing to work at your day job. This makes the risk even less. Generally most offline businesses require you to be present day in and day out to meet with and assist customers, which means keeping your day job may be next to impossible. But in an online business where most transactions are conducted via email, you can keep working your day job while pushing the internet business during your off hours.

5. There is an extraordinary amount of free or inexpensive help available to you on the internet. Help can consist of tutorials, forums, blogs, courses, ebooks, and other formats written by experts who know how to help you succeed. One way to receive this kind of help is to join an organization such as the Professional Network of Women on the Web, an inexpensive membership site that offers tons of advice, motivation, and networking opportunities for women who want to start or grow their internet businesses.

In a tough economy, many internet businesses are still thriving. Whether you want some part-time extra money or you want to get rich or anything in between, starting an online business can be a great way to achieve your goals.

The Professional Network of Women on the Web is an organization devoted to helping women achieve success in online businesses and home based businesses. This women's business organization offers discussion forums, video tutorials, ebooks, articles, and more to help women navigate through the world of internet business.

Article Source:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

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