Thursday, April 29, 2010

Law of Attraction: Stop Attracting What You Don't Want by Isobel Phillips

The concept of the Law of Attraction is very simple: Like Attracts Like. What that means to us is that our thoughts attract more thoughts like them, so when our thoughts are mainly negative, it's easier to keep thinking negative thoughts than positive ones. The result is that our negative thoughts attract people, circumstances and experiences into our lives that we don't want.

Where do our thoughts come from?

Mostly, they come from that little voice inside our head saying things like “I never have enough money!”, “Everyone takes advantage of me”, “No one really likes me”, “I hate my job” and so on. These thoughts are almost unconscious for most of us, we're not deliberately thinking them but they form the background to our lives. And because of the Law of Attraction, the thoughts we think attract other similar thoughts, remember? So this negative, unconscious audio loop in our heads is attracting more and more thoughts like it, more and more negativity, sending us into a downward spiral of attracting things we don't want – and we're not even aware we're doing it!

How do we break the pattern?

What we need to do is a “pattern interrupt”; we need to become aware of these thoughts and deliberately change them to something more positive. However, most of us have lives to live, we can't sit around all day tuning into our thoughts; and even if we could, it would soon drive us crazy! Luckily, we have a simple, inbuilt guidance system that lets us know immediately we have a negative thought.

Our inbuilt guidance system

The guidance system is our emotions. When we feel down or depressed, angry or frustrated, it's because that audio tape is producing negative thoughts and our emotions are alerting us to them. When we feel bad, it's always because of the thoughts we're thinking.

Our emotions warn us of what's going on, but it's left to us to do something about it. Unless we deliberately break the pattern of our negative thoughts, under the Law of Attraction they'll continue to grow. Unfortunately, if we're feeling powerless or angry, it usually takes more than an effort of will to consciously think optimistic and happy thoughts.

Two ways to break the pattern

There are lots of ways to interrupt the pattern, but I like these two especially because they're fun and effective. The first one comes from Tony Robbins and it's simply impossible to do it and stay serious. For that reason, you might not want to do it with other people around!

If you're sitting down, stand up quickly; without stopping to think, raise both hands above your head, look up and shout as loudly as you can: “Hallelujah! My feet smell!” and then sit down again. I challenge you to stay miserable after that!

My second method is a bit more “work-friendly” and won't have you carted off by men in white coats. It's best done in front of a mirror (or anything reflective, even a computer screen), but it can be done anywhere, anytime. If you have a mirror, look into your own eyes and SMILE. Watch for the smile to reach your eyes – you'll see it happen. Without a mirror, think about smiling with your eyes and then let the smile grow naturally. You'll feel the shift in your body.

Don't stop now!

Now you've stopped attracting what you don't want, learn how to attract what you DO want.

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I've gone from being an underpaid teacher in the UK to living the life of my dreams in the sun.

Go to to find out how I did it.

Article Source: Law of Attraction: Stop Attracting What You Don't Want

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