Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Paris Hilton is dressed in Gold

Paris Hilton is dressed in Gold by Cedric Canierro

It is a known fact that hotel heiress Paris Hilton adorns herself with signature clothes and stomps her feet with designer shoes but this time, she wears nothing but gold in her recent photoshoot. The said shoot is for the RICH Prosecco ads supported by the RICH Water Foundation. This organization aims to provide portable, clean water for millions of people in need. Amidst her not-so-good past, she manages to make up for the lost time as well as be productive in her own stylish way.

A model since childhood, this sexy celebrity claimed fame as one-half of the reality show The Simple Life along with her friend Nicole Richie. That opened doors for her in film and in the music industry. She did cameo roles for Zoolander, The Cat in the Hat and Wonderland. Then landed as a support for films like Raising Helen, The Hillz and the remake of House of Wax where she garnered Best Scream award in the 2006 Teen Choice Awards. She got films lined-up for 2008 such as The Hottie and the Nottie and Repo! The Genetic Opera. She got an album Paris released in 2006 which got singles like Stars are Blind and Nothing in this World.

She is also renowned for her notoriety as she engaged in numerous intrigues and scandal including her leaked sex-video with then boyfriend Rick Salomon. Not to mention her legal assault due to Driving Under the Influence incident happened last 2006 making her license suspended and putting her behind bars. She was released in prison and started her life anew. She is now an advocate for animal rights as she herself don't wear animal fur and a certified vegan herself. Whether is films or in tabloids, nothing beats our hot actress Paris Hilton because everywhere she goes and everything she does, she always leaves it with a bang.

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How to Reserve Camps at Campsite

How to Reserve Camps at Campsite by

For a camping a trip probably the most important thing you need is a suitable campsite without which all your arrangements go in vein. For this you may think of the reservation of the campsite as a good option. This is important especially in the busy seasons when campsites feel very quickly to their capacity. Almost every campsite accepts reservations and left only few spots for those who come at very last minute.

It is better to make reservations in busy seasons unless all the planning goes waste because of unavailability of camping space. If the climate remain favorable for a longer duration your hope for camping may dashed before taking any shape. So it would better safe than sorry.

Campgrounds have their own websites for campers to utilize it as a mean of making reservations for their camping. Such websites also give you other options such as activities for your camping available and amenities that your campground could avail you for the camping duration. For campers it is also very easy to find out locations that are very difficult to locate without the help of internet. You get all the answer from the internet regarding your campsite location such as the exact location and contact information. On internet you can also search for places that are very near to your place which would take little of your time. You can also search for varieties of attraction that your camp ground is surrounded by so that during the camping you can explore them.

If you are not going to reserve your campsite then you may be at risk in your camping trip. This may force you spend your camping trip in campsites that other wisely you would not like to choose. If you have reserved for your campsite you have the freedom to choose the location, cost and amenities for your trip. In most cases you are also not charged with cancellation fee with a prior notice but incase you cancel you r reservation at the eleventh hour you might have to pay a little cancellation fee. This would not be a big factor while deciding whether to reserve or not for your camping site. You would definitely want your camping trip would be enjoyable sans any hassle. Reservations also ensure you that you are getting most of opportunities to utilize the campground properly. You would get all essential items such as water and bathroom facility near your campsite.

Paramount Places offers Mobile Homes for sale in Spain. A unique Family Campsite Resort near Barcelona for Camping Spain. A perfect Holiday in Spain.

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Monday, December 17, 2007

Herbs and Spices: A Beginner’s Guide To Choose The Best Herbs & Spices

Herbs and Spices: A Beginner’s Guide To Choose The Best Herbs & Spices by Paul Andrews

Herbs & Spices are valuable gifts of the Mother Nature. Herbs & Spices have been used for various purposes since the ancient times. Herbs are the plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests. Herbs can be classified into Culinary herbs, Aromatic herbs, Ornamental herbs, and Medicinal herbs.

Culinary herbs are aromatic potherb, which are often used in cookery for its savory qualities. Parsley is also a culinary herb that is used as garnish. Aromatic herbs are used for aromatic purposes and manufacturing perfumes, etc. Cosmetic herbs are used in facial creams and cosmetics. Medicinal herbs have a strong curative power. These herbs have long been used in the preparation of medicines. The medicine prepared using herbs are called “herbal medicines.”

Usually, herbs come from the leafy parts of a plant. Some of the more commonly available fresh herbs include basil, bay leaf, chervil, coriander, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, tarragon and thyme. Some herbs are used fresh and some are used in dried form. Some of the medicinal herbs can also have negative effects. So, herbs should always be taken with the advice of experts.

The pungent or aromatic seasonings obtained from the bark, buds, fruit, roots, seeds or stems of various plants and trees are known as “spices.” Often the spices come from bark roots, seeds and tropical fruit plants. Some of the popular spices include allspice, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, mace, nutmeg, paprika, pepper, saffron and tumeric. Spices are also used in blends, such as curry powder and spice parisienne. Condiments are a combination of herbs and spices, which is blended in the liquid form. “Seasoning blends” are the mixture of spices and herbs.

Herbs & spices are the important ingredients of the gourmet dishes and traditional food. Herbs and spices both enhance flavor and help making foods delicious. They help food digestion and increases energy level. These have a number of health benefits. The use of herbs and spices can help reducing the level of sugar, fat and sodium in the body.

Study of herbs is called “herbology.” Herbology helps choosing useful herbs & spices. It's not easy to pick out useful herbs & spices easily, only pros of the field are learnt enough to discern them. The beginners should be extremely careful about choosing herbs & spices. They must go thru general literature about herbs & spices to learn the features and qualities of herbs & spices. Most of herbs & spices can be distinguished from their smell. Thus the beginners should know the typical smells of herbs & spices, and they should always smell herbs & spices to make out their genuineness. The beginners can also discern their genuineness from their colors. While purchasing herbs & spices, the beginners should make sure that these haven't been sitting on the shelves for over six months. They should better buy seasonal herbs & spices.

Paul also about Belly dancing UK Belly Dancing and Dance UK and for Barcelona lifestyle and living.

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Friday, December 14, 2007

PlayStation 2 Console (New Smaller Model)

PlayStation 2 Console (New Smaller Model) by Jacob Marshal

The new smaller version of the PlayStation 2 gaming console (Abbreviated as PS2) matches the size of a hardcover book that makes it easier to carry around and play games anytime, anywhere. The console has an integrated Ethernet port for network gaming. The volume of the new smaller model of PS2 has been reduced by about 75% while its thickness has been trimmed down to 2.8 cm as compared to 7.8 cm in its previous model. The unit's weight has also been halved.

The overhauled internal design of the unit incorporates the power supply into the console itself, thus reducing its weight considerably. The unit is Sony's second video gaming console under the PlayStation series. It is a successor of PlayStation and the predecessor of the PlayStation 3. The console inherits the basic functions of the PlayStation. Due to its thinner profile, the console does not contain a 3.5" expansion bay and therefore does not support the internal hard disk drive.

The PS2 is part of the sixth generation era. The unit has a large collection of widely acclaimed games like Grand Theft Auto series, Metal Gear Solid 3, Gran Turismo 4, the Sly Cooper trilogy, Champions: Return to Arms, and Shadow of the Colossus. Horror games available on the console include Silent Hill, Forbidden Siren, Project Zero and Resident Evil. The console also features music games like Sing Star, Dance Revolution and the guitar controller-based Guitar Hero series.

The sheer enjoyment one gets from the PS2 makes it an essential purchase. The console's hardware can read both CDs and DVDs and is backward compatible with PlayStation games. The unit also supports PlayStation memory cards and controllers. There is also support for the internal PlayStation 2 HDD. The device is equipped with DVD-playback functionality, USB support and IEEE 1394 expansion ports.

If you would like more information on PS2 Console New Smaller Model and Gaming Consoles.

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Monday, December 10, 2007

The Frugal Wife’s Guide to Grocery Shopping: 22 Ways to Pinch Pennies and Make your Money go Further

The Frugal Wife’s Guide to Grocery Shopping: 22 Ways to Pinch Pennies and Make your Money go Further by Sweet Violet

Like it or not, food prices are going up. It’s inevitable, after all…everything goes up eventually…but for some reason prices have this nasty habit of going up faster than salaries.

Economizing at the grocery store (along with reducing electricity and fuel use) is an effective method of belt tightening, but a surprising number of people just don’t understand how to shop in such a way to reduce their costs. Here are a few tips:

1. Stick a piece of paper to the refrigerator door with a magnet and put a pen on top of the fridge. Each time you run low (don’t wait until you are completely out) on something, write it on the piece of paper. At the end of the week you will have a list of the things that you need to buy at the store. Stick to the list (with the exceptions noted below).

2. Buy items you use a lot of in bulk quantities. For example, buying toilet paper one roll at a time is the most costly way of doing it. Buy the largest quantity you can (9 or 12 roll pack of TP, for example), especially when it is on sale. This does not apply to perishables unless you can freeze them: you can freeze butter, for example, but not apples.

3. Stock up on things that are on sale and will not spoil before you use them: toilet paper, pasta in sealed cello bags, rice, sugar (if you can store it in air-tight containers), cleaning and laundry supplies. When possible, shop at warehouse-type stores card and buy such items as laundry soap and bleach in large containers. Skip expensive pre-treating compounds and use a paste of laundry soap and water to treat stains.

4. Reduce your use of chemical cleaners: use white vinegar (and newspaper) to clean glass and mirrors, to polish surfaces. Use salt and vinegar for scouring brass and copper. Purchase a store-brand multi-purpose cleaner in large containers for general purpose cleaning and decant into smaller spray bottles. Buy kitchen liquid soap in a gallon-sized container and decant it into a smaller bottle for daily use. Use laundry bleach to clean your toilet and shower. Teak oil is much less expensive than such things as Pledge and your wood loves it better: use it for wood furniture (indoors and out), natural wood floors, door and window frames.

5. Canned foods that you use frequently…tuna or canned fruits and veg…purchase in quantity when they are on sale or buy in quantity. Do not, however, purchase large cans unless you can use the entire contents in a day or two, otherwise the product will spoil.

6. If you use zipper-type plastic bags, buy the best brands and wash and re-use the bags. Cheap bags don’t last and ultimately cost more in the long run (because you have to keep replacing them).

Convenience is costly

7. Wean yourself away from disposable stuff. Instead of paper towels, buy reusable wipes and run them through the laundry. To keep them from shredding in the wash, cut the leg off an old pair of pantyhose (surely you save those things…don’t we all?) and put the wipes inside the leg, knot it shut, and toss in the wash with your jeans.

8. Give up expensive habits: stop smoking; stop take out; make fast food a treat rather than a regular alternative to cooking. Stop buying soft drinks…make them an occasional treat rather than a part of daily life. Water is better for you than coffee, tea, or cola, anyway. Not bottled water…tap water. Water quality questionable? Boil the water and store it in clean containers for drinking.

9. At the store, buy seasonal fruits only. Out-of-season fruits and veg, no matter how tempting to your taste buds, are a disaster to your pocket.

10. Think before you buy…learn to calculate the cost per unit so that you can intelligently compare prices…you could get some big surprises! You would think that it would be cheaper to buy whole fruit and cut it yourself rather than buy fruit already sliced, right? Well, if pre-cut strawberries and whole strawberries are the same price, the cut berries are actually a better buy because you aren’t buying any waste. It isn’t until the cut strawberries cost more than the whole berries (with green tops on) that the whole berries are the better buy.

11. The same applies to meat, where there can be a lot of waste. Meat should be purchased on a “cost per serving” basis rather than “cost per pound.” You see, if you buy cheap hamburger, you are buying a lot of fat that will be rendered out during cooking, reducing the amount of actual meat per serving. Look at a piece of meat and try to figure out how much of it is fat, gristle, and bone…you will pay for these bits at the same price you pay for the meat, but you will throw that stuff away. So, if you pay $7 for a pound of meat that is 50% waste, you are actually paying $7 for half a pound of edible meat, or $14 per pound for the meat. Rather than throw away half of your money in the form of bones, fat and gristle, buy a smaller quantity of a higher quality meat…save money and improve the quality of your meals.

12. When meats are on sale, buy a larger quantity than usual then, at home, cut the extra into serving size pieces and freeze. Wrap in foil or put in zipper freezer bags, both of which can be cleaned and re-used. When available and on sale, buy large quantities of chicken parts and make up meal-sized packets for freezing.

13. Do your meal planning in the market: upon entering, go directly to the meat department to see which meat/poultry/fish are on special. Choose your meats for the week, deciding at the time of purchase what you are going to prepare with each one. Then, go to the produce department and collect the necessary produce for the meals, concentrating on the items on sale. Stay away from specialty produce, like endive and baby corn, and concentrate on staples like potatoes and carrots (the cheapest ones, not the peeled baby carrots!), and flavourful items like onion and garlic.

14. Cook things that the leftovers can be the basis of another meal. Make a bigger beef roast than usual, serve only two-thirds of it. Keep back the other third for the basis of a stew the following day. Serve a roasted chicken, then use the leftover bones, skin, and meat as the base of a chicken soup or stew the following day.

15. Take advantage of inexpensive meats like smoked ham hocks that can be used to flavour a pot of dried beans, split peas, or lentils and make a delicious, filling meal at a remarkably low cost.

16. Make meatless meals out of seasonal vegetables: leek and potato soup, or even just potato soup. Eggs…omelettes, for example, or frittatas…are not just for breakfast, you know.

17. Make hamburger go further by making dishes like spaghetti sauce, chili con carne or tamale pie. Make a meatloaf, meatballs, or hamburger patties using bread (soak in water and wring out) or oatmeal as an extender.

18. Eliminate brand name cereals: buy store-brand cereals and make cooked oatmeal (not instant) for breakfast. Liven up the flavour with a drizzle of honey, some sliced fruit, or a spoonful of jam.

19. Pack lunches for family members. Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein and most children love peanut butter sandwiches. A piece of fruit, a tub of store-brand yoghurt, and a bottle of fruit juice (not those expensive juice boxes…decant juice that you buy in large containers into smaller plastic bottles), and perhaps one or two cookies makes a fine lunch. Instead of expensive cold cuts, make egg or tuna salad (lots of protein, inexpensive). And buy cheese in blocks rather than slices, and use a cheese slicer to cut sandwich-sized slices.

20. Shop at a low cost supermarket…you can save hundreds by staying out of the premium, high-end stores.

21. Don’t waste precious fuel by driving from one market to the next to take advantage of every market’s sale. Spending $1 on gas to save a nickel on peas is penny wise and dollar foolish.

22. Whenever possible, grow your own: tomatoes can be grown in pots on even a small balcony, and you can plant a dwarf lemon or orange tree in a half barrel…and then plant leaf lettuce (which you will harvest by cutting leaves carefully off the plant, allowing it to grow even more) in a circle around the tree trunk. Voila! Free salad!

Not all of these suggestions work for every household, but employing as many as you can will surely reduce the amount of money you fork over to the market every month.

Sweet Violet writes on anything that takes her fancy. Visit her blog at for a taste of something sweet…and Violet.

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Friday, December 7, 2007

Get Your New Website into Google Fast and Free

Get Your New Site Into Google Fast ...and Free by Gary Harvey

How to get into Google fast? As fast as today or tomorrow. Is it possible for you?


And I am going to show you 2 ways to do it.

You want to get your new website into Google fast. And the other search engines too, of course.

Did you know that Google prefers for their spiders to find new sites rather than have us use the ‘submit a site’ page.

So the easiest way to get your new site found is to get it listed in one of the sites that Google visits often. My own site at gets about 5 Google spider visits per hour. Spiders from Yahoo and MSN visit less frequently but that’s still many times each day.

So how can you get your site listed at one of these sites that is popular with the spiders?

There are at least two ways:

1. Post at one of the free classified ad sites.

2. Create a blog (this is free) at and link it to your new website.

Let’s talk about the classified ads sites here.

The market leader of the free classified ad sites is PR6. This site is reported to get more traffic than Google Canada. So place an ad there (especially in the section for the San Francisco Bay area) and it will be picked up quickly. And it’s free.

Not sure which category for your ad? Use the Small Biz listing of the San Francisco Bay area. Write a factual ad. Not a salesy, hypey one because your goal is to get your site indexed by the search engines. You’re not trying to make a sale. A hyped up advertisement might get deleted. PR5 PR6 PR4 PR5 PR4 PR6

Click here to download a FREE copy of “Profit Starts Here”:

This short report will help you start your internet business the right way.

Article written by Gary Harvey. He’s been earning a full time internet income since 2003. Click here to see what’s hot at his blog:

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Favorite Celebrity Diets

Favorite Celebrity Diets
by Megan Hazel

Is there really a favorite celebrity diet? Certainly, some diets consist of cigarettes and water and not much else. There is also the jacked-up-on-caffeine diet, which makes them so jittery and jumpy they can't possibly eat.

Seriously, though, there are actual diets that the celebs follow and with great success.

The most popular diet lately is the one that modifies carbohydrate intake. There are a few different variations on this theme, such as the Zone Diet, the Atkins Diet, the Mediterranean Diet and the South Beach Diet. Basically, it emphasizes protein intake and limits starchy foods and sugars. Jessica Alba keeps her great form by following this diet, as does Jennifer Aniston and Demi Moore. Of course, Demi has likely had help by some other means as well, but we know that Jennifer Aniston has had no work done on her body and is a religious follower of the Zone diet.

The Zone Diet, pioneered by Dr. Barry Sears, promises moderation and flexibility. It's not as rigid as the high-protein Atkins Diet, and claims to work by controlling insulin and reducing inflammation within the fat cells. When these fat cells become inflamed, that's when we purportedly see the weight gain. Apparently, by regulating the insulin and the hormonal balance, you can control your hunger and accordingly your weight gain. Hey - not only does it work for Jennifer, Demi and Jessica, but Brad Pitt and Cindy Crawford are believers, too. They all look pretty good to me, so something must be working!

Another popular diet is the Atkins Diet, which is similar to the Zone but more extreme. If you look at its followers, this makes sense. Super-skinny stars like Renee Zellwegger, Sarah Jessica Parker and Calista Flockhart are all big fans!

The Atkins Diet was made famous by Dr. Robert Atkins, and has four stages to it, all of which are very low-carbohydrate. The first stage of the program only allows for consumption of 20 net carbs a day! This is very difficult to follow, and you must be extremely focused and dedicated to the weight loss to get through the first two weeks of this program. Even after the first two weeks, Atkins followers are only “allowed” to increase their carbohydrate intake by about 5 grams per day. By the end of the program, this number increases slightly, but never by a lot. Arguments against this diet are that it is far too hard to maintain in a 'real' person's life. Sure, if you have the money for a personal chef as well as an assistant who can follow you around with your special food, this will work for you - so long as you have the discipline - as it has for the celebrities listed above as well as Minnie Driver and Geri Halliwell of the Spice Girls.

Of course, there are still the oldies-but-goodies such as Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig. We all have seen the crazy amount of weight Kirstie Allie has lost on the Jenny Craig program, and now she is joined by Valerie Bertinelli as another spokeswoman. Their method is portion control, for the most part. Jenny Craig is slightly newer than Weight Watchers, but very successful and similar in nature.

Just look at how much weight Jenny McCarthy has lost following the Weight Watchers program! She gave birth to her baby and needed to lose the pregnancy weight she had gained. Sarah Ferguson (the Duchess) was their most famous spokesperson until Jenny. But the great thing about Weight Watchers is that it is readily available for all of us common folks, from the stores and clinics where you weigh in to the many entrees and desserts available in the frozen section of your nearest grocery store. People are assigned points to each food, and given your current weight and how much you want to lose; you are allowed a certain number of points per day. This makes it very easy to follow!

All of these diets sound completely reasonable, right? Well, we can't stop there. There are also the freakish diets of the stars that nobody should try. Did you really expect the celebs to only follow the reasonable, medically-advisable diets?

Janet Jackson, for example, is only now re-introducing whole foods back into her diet. She has basically subsisted on liquid meals prepared by her nutritionist until recently. Demi Moore drinks a lot of herbal tea to ward off cravings for actual food, and thinks this is made healthier by taking vitamins with that tea. No wonder she stays so slim! Pop star Fergie downs tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Hey, nobody said these stars look the way they do easily.

About Author:

Megan Hazel is a freelance writer who writes about celebrity topics, similar to what consumers read in Star Magazine

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Sunday, December 2, 2007

Movies Make A Great Gift

Movie Gift Baskets Can Be A Blockbuster
by Brian F Connors

There inevitably comes around the necessity of the giving of gifts to celebrate various occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries and festive holidays such as Christmas. Gifts are also a tool to boost someone’s spirits when sickness, injury or misfortune has occurred. What, pray tell, can be a slam-dunk testimony of your sentiments to anybody who enjoys a good flick now and then? Movie Gift Baskets is the correct answer!

Who doesn’t love to escape this tension filled world into a fantasy of action, drama, mystery, romance or a creative mixture of these? There’s a longing within each of us to forget the challenges that exist in our everyday lives and take a refreshing hiatus into another realm. Movies have long been the antidote to focus on more entertaining matters than the reality that most of us have to deal with. Herein lies the answer to a gift-giving solution that could win you an Oscar among friends, family, and associates.

Movie Gift Baskets take the passion of seeing a film a step further. You can give an evening of fun with snacks such as popcorn, cookies, Cracker Jacks, peanuts, candy and more all placed within an entertainment themed container. Movie buffs would rejoice at these alone but there is also the option to include $10 or $15 Blockbuster gift cards to make the celebration complete with no compromise on your part.

Imagine the jubilation of a person or family that knows that the entertainment of their choice awaits them. Add to that the bounty of tasty snacks to be relished at the same time which would compound that excitement even more. Consider the comfort within yourself knowing that you took the initiative to seek the well-being and happiness of others. Giving Movie Gift Baskets is without question a win-win situation.

Take the advice of and gain the upper hand in gift shopping. Consider Movie Gift Baskets for both the self-proclaimed film critics in your life as well as those who need a nudge to just chill-out for a spell and enjoy life a little bit more.

Brian is the owner of Gift Basket Paradise and invites everyone to visit his website for Movie Gift Baskets. Click for 4 dazzling Hollywood style Gift Baskets to choose from.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Federal Government Stafford Student Loans

An Introduction To The Principles Of The Federal Government Stafford Student Loans Scheme
by Donald Saunders

More than forty years ago now back in 1965 Congress set up the Federal Family Education Loan Program to give financial aid to students. One element of this program is Stafford loans which were originally designed only to help those students in very real financial need but which today make up in excess of 90% of all Federal student loans.

Over the years Stafford loans have altered to take account of changing conditions and today there are two forms of the loan - subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford loans.

In the case of subsidized loans the Federal Government takes responsibility for the payment of any interest which accrues on a loan from the date on which the loan is issued until the student is required to start making repayments. Usually a student does not have to make repayments while he is enrolled in a program of study which is classed as being a 'half-time' or greater course of study and for a period of up to six months after the end of his course. However, a student can start making payments earlier if he so chooses.

Since the interest on the loan is being subsidized, these loans are generally granted only on the basis of need and aid officials will consider both a student's and his family's income when determining whether a student qualifies for a subsidized Stafford loan. Students are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid application form which includes details of income and each student will then be assigned a number referred to as the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) calculated from the income figures provided.

Around two-thirds of subsidized Stafford loans are granted to students with parents who have an Adjusted Gross Income of under $50,000 a year. A further one-quarter are granted to those in the $50-100,000 a year range. At this point however the meaning of 'need' becomes a bit blurred and slightly under one-tenth of loans are provided to students whose combined family income is over $100,000.

For those students who do not meet the requirements for a subsidized loan most will qualify for an unsubsidized Stafford loan. The major difference here is that the student have got to meet all interest payments on the loan, though once again payment do not usually start until six months after the end of the student's course of study.

The mechanics of an unsubsidized Stafford loan means that a loan can be reasonably costly because the interest accumulates over the period of study and so the capital sum on which repayment will eventually need to be made will also increase. Let us take an extremely simplified example.

Let us assume that a student borrows the sum of $5,000 in his first year at an interest rate of 6.8%. After one year the interest due is $340 which will be added to the loan capital. During the next year the student will then accrue interest on the new capital sum of $5,340 at 6.8% which will come to roughly $363 increasing the total borrowed at the end of the second year to $5,703. Naturally this example is not completely accurate because interest is in fact calculated and added monthly but it does nonetheless demonstrate the principles of this form of loan.

Dependent upon the amount of money which is borrowed every year and the time before repayment begins you can see that a student can pay a quite high price for delaying the repayment of a Stafford loan.

In spite of the apparently high cost it ought to be remembered that many of the alternative methods of meeting the cost of a college education are considerably more costly and that many students could simply not afford to attend college without a Stafford loan. provides information on the Stafford college loan and student loans backed by the federal government

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Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby's First Christmas

5 Tips For Making Baby's First Christmas Wonderful
By Susanne Myers

Having a new baby in the family is always a joyous experience, especially around the holidays and your baby's first Christmas is an experience you will remember the rest of your life. Unfortunately young babies and lots of excitement and "strangers" (from the baby's point of view) don't always mix. You end up with a crying exhausted and over stimulated baby instead of holding a relaxed bundle of joy in your arms while you sip hot cocoa under the tree if you're not careful. Use the 5 tips below to help make sure both you and your baby will enjoy this first Christmas together.

Tip #1 - Don't Over Do It

Over course everyone wants to experience your baby's first Christmas. The result is usually either (a) you spent most of the day driving from one relative's house to the next, or (b) your entire extended family shows up on your doorstep. Either way you end up with a Christmas that's exhausting to both you and the baby. Instead, ask aunts and uncles to understand that you can't do all this much this Christmas and offer to see them on another day instead. Then relax and enjoy an intimate Family Christmas with the new baby.

Tip #2 - Keep A Soothing Toys / Blanky Around

Whether there are new people the baby isn't used to in your house, or you are taking her to a new surrounding, keep her comfortable by wrapping her in a favorite blanky and keeping a familiar toy she likes around. Of course everyone wants to hold the new baby and as long as baby is fine with it go for it. Stay close by though in case your baby needs Mom's touch to calm down and comfort her.

Tip #3 - Avoid Overstimulation

Of course everyone wants to hold the baby, talk to her and make her laugh. And then there are all those bright new (and sometimes noisy) toys that baby got for Christmas. All this excitement can quickly add to overstimulation in a young baby. The result is usually a cranky, tired and unhappy child. Limit the toys you let baby play with and be sure your relatives spend some time just calmly and quietly holding the baby.

Tip #4 - Give Baby A Break

Since we're on the topic... to avoid over stimulating your infant, be sure to give her plenty of breaks throughout the day. Find a quiet room and snuggle or feed her. Both of your will appreciate the break from the sometimes hectic family festivities. When it's time for baby to nap, make sure she isn't disturbed and gets the rest she needs.

Tip #5 - Relax Mom

Young children are very tuned into how Mom feels. The best way to keep your baby calm is for you to relax. When things start to get stressful, take a deep breath and calm yourself. The tips above about not over scheduling and taking breaks will work well to keep you relaxed as well.

Keep these suggestions in mind and you, baby and the rest of the family will be able to enjoy a wonderful Christmas they are sure to remember for years to come ... well maybe not the baby, but you get the idea.

Still looking for some fun suggestions on what to get baby as a gift? Take a look at the toy suggestions that are perfect for Baby's First Christmas And don't forget about Mom. Sure Mom can be a little hard to shop for, but she deserves a wonderful gift for all she does for you all year long.

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Romantic Caribbean Honeymoon Destination

Caribbean Honeymoon Destination: A Romantic Honeymoon Vacation with Your Partner by Mike Mansfield

The Caribbean is considered to be the perfect place for honeymoon vacations. With it's great beaches and with the different romantic activities that you and your spouse can do, both of you will definitely have a great time when you go on your first honeymoon or even your second or third honeymoon vacation.

It is a fact that a lot of couples loved the Caribbean so much that they are willing to save money to go on their second or even their third honeymoon vacation in the Caribbean. However, it is also crucial that you should know how to plan your honeymoon vacation in order to avoid any problems that may arise in the future. You have to consider that even the perfect honeymoon destination can ruin your honeymoon if you don’t plan.

So, the first thing you need to do when you want to spend your honeymoon in the Caribbean, you have to plan ahead of time. Plan the honeymoon vacation with the wedding and should not come second. The honeymoon is just as important as the wedding. In order to plan effectively, consult with a number of travel agents. You should also try reading the brochures offered by Caribbean resorts. By doing this, you will have an idea on the different features offered by each resort. You should also look for a resort that offers honeymoon packages. You will also have an idea on which package you can afford or you can financially prepare for the honeymoon package in advance.

When choosing a honeymoon resort in the Caribbean, you can also visit the internet and read the reviews. The reviews will let you know what to expect about the resort. By doing this, you will know about the services offered by a resort in the Caribbean, and you can also know about the quality of accommodation and the different activities. You can narrow down your search for the best honeymoon destination in the Caribbean by listing down those resorts which has positive vacation reviews.

Book your reservations early. Many people make a mistake of booking their accommodations when they arrive at their destination. You have to consider that the Caribbean islands and beach resorts are very popular on tourists all over the world. You have to expect that most resorts will be fully booked, especially during tourist season and in the summer months.

A week before the wedding and the honeymoon, you should prepare all your important travel documents in order to avoid looking for it as both of you are on your way to your destination. Get your passports and other travel documents organized to avoid frustrations. Ask your spouse to prepare theirs too.

About 2 days before your wedding and your honeymoon, you should first confirm your reservation to the Caribbean resort. You should also confirm your flight reservations as well in order to avoid any problems at the airport.

These are some of the things you should remember in order for you to experience the best and the most romantic honeymoon vacation that you and your spouse can ever have. Remember this and you will avoid any problems with your honeymoon vacation. You can be sure that you will never think of anything but spending a romantic time with your significant other.

To find out more about Honeymoons, visit Honeymoon Advice
Submitted by: Super Article Submitter

Article Source: Article Center

Sunday, November 11, 2007

USA Ski Resorts

Popular Ski Resorts In USA

For winter sports enthusiasts, there is nothing better than rushing down a mountain on freshly snow-covered slopes. To help you find the right ski resort that will fulfill your craving for an outdoor adventure, here is a list of popular ski slopes in the United States:

Breckinridge, Colorado

One of the better known Ski resorts in Colorado, Breckinridge totals 2,358 acres and has 155 trails. Its longest trail, Four O’clock, reaches a length of 3.5 miles and the resort spans over more than 10 peaks. Of the 155 trails this resort hosts, 36-percent are expert slopes, the largest percentage of slope difficulty, and 13-percent of the slopes have the easiest designation.

Aspen, Colorado

Located in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, Aspen, Colorado, is the Aspen Mountain Ski Resort. Sitting on 673 acres, Aspen Mountain is one of the smallest ski resorts around. It utilizes Aspen Mountain and Bell Mountain which has an elevation of 11,212 feet.

Killington, Vermont

This ski resort is the largest resort in the eastern part of the United States. Utilizing Vermont’s second highest mountain, Killington Peak, this resort sports 200 trails and 33 ski lifts spanned over seven mountains. It is estimated that nearly 17,000 people will visit Killington Ski Resort on a good day.

Park City, Utah

This tourist destination is home to three different ski resorts, Park City Mountain Resort, the Canyons Resort and Deer Valley Resort. Park City Mountain Resort covers 3,300 acres and has 104 trails. Canyon Resort, the bigger of the three, runs on nine mountains, totaling 3,700 acres and 155 trails. Deer Valley Resort recently underwent a nine million dollars renovation to add 200 acres and nine new slopes

Lake Tahoe, Nevada/California Lake Tahoe

Located on the Nevada-California boarder is home to Heavenly Mountain Resort. It features 95 slopes over 4,800 acres. At an elevation of 10,067, this resort is host to Lake Tahoe’s highest peak. It is the largest ski resort in California, with a total of 33-percent of its land developed.

Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania

The Pocono Mountains is home to more than ten different ski resorts. The largest one, Camelback Ski Area, has 33 slopes and covers 139 acres. At an elevation of 2,133 feet, its steepest slope is 800 feet. Located in close proximity to Camelback Ski Area is Jack Frost Big Boulder Resort. This ski area is two resorts combined into one with nearly 30 different ski slopes.

Use the search facility on to find some great USA ski deals & offers on skiing holidays.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Time To Change Your Batteries!

This is just a short post to remind each of you to change the batteries in your smoke detectors and CO2 detectors. It is a good idea to change those batteries twice a year, and a good way to remember when it is time is to change the batteries when the time changes. Each year during the spring and fall we adjust our clocks for Daylight Savings Time. This is a good time to also remember to change the batteries in your home, office, and RV.

So, change those batteries today. It is for the saftey of you and your family.

Monday, October 15, 2007

My Las Vegas Review

My Las Vegas Review

By Kerry Mann

Recently I took ten days off and went to Las Vegas! This was my sixth trip there in the last three years In the last 6 visits I think I have found out some great places to eat gamble and sleep- So I am posting this as my offical Las Vegas Review.

If you have never been to Las Vegas or haven't been there in 2 years than this review will be helpful to you. The city is constantly changing and growing. I love playing Texas Holdem poker online but after playing everday for quite some time it is nice to get away. And it is nice to be able to afford to take a nice vacation like this. Before I became an online poker player as a profession I would never have dreamed of going to Vegas for ten days and satying at one of the most beautiful hotels in the world- The Venetian....


On my first trip to Vegas we didn't rent a car. We took a shuttle for 8 bucks from the airport to out hotel and walked or took the bus/ taxis for the rest of the trip. Ever since then we have rented a car. If you go midweek or offseason It is very cheap to rent a car in Vegas. We never payed more than 25 bucks a day. If you add up the cost of taxis and shuttles, it seems much smarter to rent a car.

Beware if you are a timid driver, people drive like maniacs there! If you prefer to get the exercise than the shuttle may be the best bet for you. There are buses every 10 min going up and down the strip, and there are many free mono rail trams going beetween many of the casinos on the strip.

My reccomendation is to rent a car and bring a wad of singles with and valet it. If you are like me you will want to go and see all of the beautiful casinos. There is nothing better than driving to the front door and having it parked. I usually tip a buck or two. Otherwise you can park in the parking structures for free.


On my most recent vacation I went with my friend Kurt. Below are some pics of our hotel room at the Venetian. If you can afford to I would highly suggest staying here. It was by far the nicest hotel I have ever been to. The bathroom was HUGE, with a jacuzzi tub, double sink, seperate shower, the toilet was in a seperate room with a phone, marble floors.

Our Room

The Venetian and the Bellagio are the 2 nicest hotels in Las Vegas. They are expensive. I have been to many hotels in Vegas and it all depends on what you want out of your vacation. Most people will gamble and drink into the wee hours of the morning so the hotel won't matter much. If you want to stay at the cheapest hotel possible and stay close to gambling I reccomend staying downtown. I stayed at the Las Vegas Club downtown last year. Midweek you can get a room for 35-45 bucks a night. On that trip we only slept about 10 hours total the 3 nights we were there, so the hotel didnt matter much.

However the Las Vegas Club was pretty nice the rooms were very large thay had a couch. I have stayed at other hotels downtown and most are in that price range and more expensive weekends and peak season. So If you want to be pampered and stay somewhere nice find a hotel on the strip- The Venetian and the Belagio are very nice, and very expensive. The MGM or Luxor or New York are mid priced.. If you want to go cheap stay downtown.


If you love to gamble and love to drink PERFECT- If you are gambling drinks are free. So dont spend 8 bucks at the bar, hit the tables or slots and drink on the house.


I have gambled at many-a-casino in Vegas. I think on this last 10 day vacation we hit most of them. My suggestion for gambling comes down to preference and cash. On weekends and peak times it is hard to find a blackjack table with a 5 dollar minimum on the strip. Most are ten bucks and up. So If you are on a budget I suggest gambling downtown. They have plenty of five dollar tables and even three dollar tables. They also have single and double deck blackjack games downtown for lower limits. We found most casinos on the strip use auto shufflers and are 6+ decks- This makes for very bad odds. On this trip I mostly played blackjack. I consider online poker my profession and being on vacation I needed a little break. So I played mostly blackjack and the horses.

Some must see casinos are the Venetian, there are shops and the Venice canals, and beautiful paintings and artwork. Also the Belagio is a stunning casino, they have a water show in front set to music. If you are going to bet on horses or sports I suggest the sportsbook at the Belagio. They have personal flat screen TV's leather chairs and they have plenty of cocktail waitreses supplying the drinks. We spent a lot of time here.


Where to eat? We ate so much food on this trip, I must have gained 20 pounds...Lets start out with the buffets:

The best buffet I have ever had is The Spice Market Buffet in the Aladdin Casino. It was around $25 and the food was amazing. They had food in diferent categories, American, Mexican, etc. Everything I tasted was delicious. The fruit they had was fresh, the desserts were amazing. I highly recommend this buffet.

Another great buffet is The Buffet at the Belagio. This buffet was very close in price and taste to the Spice Market buffet. If you like seafood I would recommend this one. They also have Beef Wellingtion, Prime rib and Colby beef, very delicious.

The largest buffet would have to be the buffet at the Rio, The Carnival World Buffet. This buffet was 25-30 bucks. It had a huge selection but I was not impressed with the food.

The worst buffet we had was breakfast at Bally's buffet. The food was not very poor. The Orange juice tasted like Tang.

Non- Buffet Eats


The best burger would have to be at The Burger Bar in Mandalay Bay. they have Colby Beef burgers, which are not cheap. Around 16 bucks, but the were very good.

Want a great steak? The best steak I ever ate in Vegas was at Alan Alberts on the strip. It is a very nice restaraunt, great service, great food. Pricey but well worth it if your looking for a mouth watering steak. 3763 Las Vegas Blvd

Italian Food

Want some great Italian food, at a great old school eatery? Try Batista's Hole in the Wall. The restaurant walls are lined with celebrity autograpghed pictures. They even have an accordion player walking from table to table. The food is excellent. Meals come with your choice of wine, a salad, entree and complimentary cappuccino. I had the Chicken parm and it was very good. It was around 20-25 bucks a meal.

Cheap Eats

Lost all your cash at the tables? There are some great deals on meals all over Vegas. Kurt and tried most of them. If you are looking for upscale dining skip this section!

At The Las Vegas Club's Upperdeck downtown- We ate NY strip steak, eggs, hashbrowns and toast for $2.95!!! And it was actually very good.

Another great deal is the Prime rib at San Remos across from the MGM. You get bread, salad, prime rib, baked potato, vegetables all for $5.95. The slice of prime rib was pretty thin but for 6 bucks it was worth it. Another cheap meal we had a few times is, Steak and Lobster dinner at Careful Kitys in the El Cortez downtown. It was like 10 bucks and pretty good.

Bars and Clubs

Wanna hit the clubs? One of my favorites is the Ghost Bar on top of the Palms casino. They filmed MTV's Real World las Vegas at the Palms, and the cast frequented the Ghost bar.. Its part outside on the top of the building. The views of the strip are amazing. Mostly a younger crowd.

Tangerine at Treasure Island was also pretty good. You could also go outside with views of the strip and the Pirate show.

If you run out of cash and still want to get some drinks- go to a sportsbook. Kurt perfected this method! Grab a program and a seat and wait for the cocktail waitress to come around. Make sure to tip her and she will keep coming back!

About the Author: Kerry Mann is a professional Online poker player and writer.
Visit his website for more information on making a living at online poker:


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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Parenting - A job for life

Parenting - A job for life

Raising children is like arranging water into a square. It is a wonderful and challenging life experience. But is much harder than it looks, with patience and hope, children can mature into very emotionally-secure adults. Raising children is obviously one of the harder things in life to do, and in most cases parents know best., but bringing up children is one of the most rewarding and challenging undertakings anyone can take on. As a parent of a daughter, and also two step children, I can honestly say that parenting is certainly in no way easy. I believe that parents are best placed to decide what is right for their children and family based on their own values, circumstances and lifestyle.

Parents need to build a bond between themselves and their children. They are the single most important influence in their children's lives, and need to recognize and deal with their children's most challenging traits in a positive manner. On average parents and care givers are spending between 20 and 30 percent of their salaries on raising their children. Both parents are working nowadays, while 40 years ago, mother's were usually home. Single parents often have to work 2 and 3 jobs, so the kids are with other people. Which means that they are absent from the home which in turn leaves children exposed to increasingly more stress-filled situations which compromise their capacity to develop a resilient mindset and the skills necessary to function effectively in every day life.

Demanding jobs and escalating debt are resulting in high levels of stress and enormous pressure on family life. But there's little question that emotionally, children are growing up faster and that they are more integrated into adult spaces and activities and wield far more power in family decision making. Being a teenager can be a challenging time for children because they are trying to figure out who they are and their role in the family. Poor family values and poor communication skills with children is what leads children to rebel.

Raising successful children requires a lot of patience, practice, and some luck. Raising children successfully providing them with care, protecting them form danger often becomes the most important goal for both couples and single parents. Raising any child, boy or girl is a huge undertaking. Times change and the issues we face change, but the fact that raising kids is hard doesn't.

Yes children are incredible, but can be very difficult, the good things in life are always more difficult. Children tend to treat others the way their parents treat them. They will usually grow up to respect their parents and to be able to handle conflicts and problems in a reasonable manner. We do find however that children and adolescents whose parents are uninvolved perform most poorly in all domains.

You will find that gaining experience in parenting means sacrificing your personal time. When reading a parenting book, we usually adopt a viewpoint that the author of these books has written the book while taking a look at their personal experiences as a parent and thus offering suitable parenting advice to handle the different and difficult situations involved in parenting. There are many parenting books around you which are usually written by people having individual experiences worth sharing while parenting. Parenting is likely the single greatest personal challenge possible. It is the oldest and most important job in the world and there are no schools to prepare you for it. If you need some parenting advice, you have to remember that all children and parents are different and need different sources of parenting advice to succeed in parenting. One great piece of advice I can give you is to let your children know that you love them.

If raising children is so hard, why do people still want to have kids? It is time to face it, bringing up a child is the responsibility of the parent. Bringing up our little treasures is by far one of the most difficult yet pleasurable tasks that there is in life. Enjoy your children while they are still on your side, it doesn‘t last long as I am already finding out from my seven year old. Like every parent out there I have found that raising children is both challenging and unpredictable. Parenting is tough but well worth it.

Raising your children is something that usually comes naturally to people but it tends to be a full-time job even when there's both a Mom and a Dad around. It is probably one of the hardest jobs you will ever do and it gets harder as our children get older. Parenting your teenager can definitely keep you on your toes. You need to be adaptable to the many changes each child goes through as they begin to develop and mature.

Kids need help, ideas, support, input and attention. They seem to have boundless energy while the rest of us just want to nap on the couch. They thrive on old fashioned parental attention things like talking to them, playing catch, reading stories, and taking their friends along to fun places.

And just remember parenting is too individual and children too complex for there to be only one way to do it.

Rachel Harding is a registered nurse and mum of 3. She offers articles, stories, forums, recipes and much much more at yourkidsshop.

3 Shortcuts For Helping Your Baby Sleep Through The Night

3 Shortcuts For Helping Your Baby Sleep Through The Night

Many parents have the erroneous belief that if they don't use the latest technique to get their baby asleep, it won't work. Unfortunately, complicated or latest doesn't necessarily mean better.

Here are 3 better choices for getting your baby asleep.

Where Your Baby Goes To Sleep

It is quite normal for parents, and in particular first-time parents to allow their baby to fall asleep wherever they want to. Sometimes of course, it may seem like a godsend if they fall asleep at all and you would be happy for them to just sleep anywhere!

However, allowing your baby to fall asleep while breast-feeding, in your arms, or even in a pushchair in your living room could be what is causing their sleep problems.

You may well be asking how this could possibly cause sleep problems?

Well, quite naturally, when your baby goes to sleep somewhere that is not his or her bedroom, you will then move them to their crib or cot so they can continue sleeping peacefully.

But when your little one then wakes during the night, as most babies do, they will suddenly find themselves in different surroundings to what they expected... and this can be very unnerving and scary for them.

So, your best bet on location is for your child to fall asleep in the same place as he or she will spend the night. All children wake briefly many times during the night... this is perfectly normal.

If they wake in the same crib, in the same room, with the same lighting, and the same sounds, as when they fall asleep, they will slip back into sleep much more easily.

Develop a Proper Bedtime Routine

Going to sleep is a habit. And a consistent bedtime routine helps your child develop this habit.

Typically, a good Pre-Toddler's Sleep Routine will go something like this: Take a bath, have a bottle or breastfeed, burp and cuddle a bit until tired, lay in bed while still awake... and sleep.

If your child is a newborn, washing his or her face and hands may replace a full bath.

For a toddler, the routine may be a little different. The need for a pre-bedtime feeding is gone. Toddlers also need more mental stimulation, so stories or lullabies are often a good bet.

Whatever you decide to include in your baby's bedtime routine is entirely up to you. A bath is a good starting signal for the routine, some element of relaxed cuddling is helpful, and most of the rest is based on what you need to get done for your child.

But, the most important thing is that when you've developed a sleep routine for your child it is very important to keep the routine consistent and to follow it night after night after night.

This consistent routine will help your child to quickly develop a regular sleep pattern.


Naps are under appreciated tools in the quest for an easy bedtime. While they obviously don't happen at bedtime, they can significantly help or hinder your bedtime experience.

The three main points to keep in mind with naps are: how many naps, how long the naps are, and when they occur.

Naptime should occur at roughly the same time of day. If a nap is too late in the day, your child will have problems falling asleep because he or she is not tired.

Try to encourage naps in their own crib if possible. If not, use the same place every day.

Lastly, naptime can serve as a good starting place for building nighttime sleep patterns. If your child is at home in the daytime, you can start to implement the right sleep habits at naptime before trying them at bedtime.

Babies (just like adults) really are creatures of habit and quickly learns that their bedtime routine means it is time to sleep. The best chance of quickly and easily getting your baby asleep is then to develop and stick to a such simple bedtime routine.

For more practical shortcuts to get your baby to sleep, email for your free copy of 21 Surprisingly Smarter Baby Sleep Tips... a free ecourse. Just send a blank email to:

==> or visit


Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Print From Your Mobile Phone

Print From your Mobile Phone

Author: Alan Wilson

If your Bluetooth-enabled camera phone is full of snapshots you'd rather see in print, a Bluetooth-enabled printer can set them free.

Let's say you're out and about, and you find yourself in the midst of a scene that you just have to capture on (digital) film. Do you stop and dig around in your pocket for your camera? Do you even have your camera with you? Maybe not. But you do have your camera phone. So you snap the picture with your mobile, and there it is. In your phone. What's the next step? You can beam it to a friend's phone. You can download it to a computer. And now that phone companies and printer manufacturers are embracing the world of Bluetooth, you can make a quick, easy, good-looking print.

Although camera companies are quick to espouse the high pixel counts of their latest offerings, the truth is that you don't really need a 10-megapixel SLR for quick snapshots, even if you plan to print your pictures. In fact, you can make a high-quality 4 by 6 print with only two megapixels. Two! And now that phone companies are installing higher-quality cameras in their products, two-megapixel camera phones aren't that difficult to find.

Printer manufacturers are also aware of the upswing in camera-phone photography. In response, many have integrated Bluetooth technology into their machines. This means that if your phone supports the Bluetooth Printing Profile (BPP), you can wirelessly send a photo straight from your phone to your printer, and end up with a hard copy to hand to a friend. (Just keep in mind that BPP support is an important detail—just because your phone offers Bluetooth doesn't mean it supports everything Bluetooth can do.)

Many photo printer manufacturers offer optional Bluetooth adapters that plug right into the USB port on the printer. We examine dedicated photo printers from three of the main manufacturers offering this facility and determine a best buy for your budget.

HP Photosmart A717 is the latest compact photo printer available from HP, it has all the usual features common with the photosmart range, has memory card slots for all the major formats, is PictBridge and iPod compatible and has an optional Bluetooth wireless capability.

The 2.51in LCD screen is acceptable and the 4GB internal memory will allow you to store a massive 4000 photos which can be printed out in a variety of sizes up to 13x18cm. One improved feature over previous models is that waterproof output is now a standard with the improved ink and paper used with this printer.

Output quality, including indoor and outdoor shots, close-ups of faces, landscapes and more – qualified as true photo quality. There were some minor flaws on close inspection, including a slight loss of detail in bright areas of some photos but certainly not common enough to be offputting.

Cost per print using the HP110 Value Pack (hpq8700a) which includes an HP110 cartridge and 120 sheets of 10x15 photo paper is just over 20 pence which is less than most photo printers.

Epson PictureMate 500 Epson is one of the main manufactures of photo inkjet printers and its dedicated, small format PictureMate 500 is interesting because it prints in six colours rather than the three colours provided in the above HP printer.

Whilst the three colour print processes used by HP produce high quality photo prints, the extra colours offered by Epson produced noticeable improvements, particularly in lighter shades. Here the photo cyan and photo magenta inks produce brighter and more vibrant colours.

Cost per print using the T557 picture pack is also about 20pence per print and all major memory cards are supported along with PictBridge and of course the optional Bluetooth capability.

Canon Selphy CP740 is the final printer to be considered in this group and if looks alone were your criteria it would win hands down.

The CP740 weighs a mere 940g and its 179x127x63mm dimensions are smaller than a tiny loaf of bread. Its Apple-like creamy colour is clearly designed to complement your Mac and iPod and the range of buttons that control mode, layout and the welcome auto Red Eye correction icon are easy to use.

Quality of the finished image is impressive, although not quite up to the standard of the Epson. Each print takes four passes to complete and it's intreaging to watch the sharpness and clarity emerge with the final pass adding a high gloss protective layer.

The major downside of this machine is the awkward front photo tray whose fitting can take a while to master, all other features are similar to the other printers reviewed and considering the Canon currently sells for about £30 less than the opposition, it looks a bit of a bargain.

So which printer is best for my mobile prints? If out and out photo quality is your primary concern then the Epson is clearly your best option, if however all you want to do is produce respectable photo prints quickly and with minimum fuss then the bargain priced cute looking Canon is the printer for you. The HP does everything well but ultimately fails to be best at anything.

Article Source:

About the Author:

About author:

Alan Wilson has other 10 years experience in the imaging industry and is currently a director of Cartridge Concept which offers suppliesfor all photo printers

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cable vs Satellite

Comparing Cable and Satellite

There's a lot of debate over whether satellite television providers or cable television providers offer superior service, value, and program selection. But when you compare cable television with a satellite television provider like Dish Network, there really is no comparison. Dish Network is able to offer more programming in more different areas than cable television, and all of it with the high quality of a completely digital signal.

For example, Dish Network offers programming packages starting at about $20 while cable packages start at around $70. Dish Network can also deliver well over 200 channels, while cable providers top out at around 100. Dish Network can deliver special seasonal sports subscriptions like MLB Extra Innings, ESPN Gameday, NHL on the Ice, and NBA League Pass, while cable just provides your local sports programming. Dish Network also lets you hook up extra televisions for no additional charge while cable bills you at upwards of an extra $5 per television. Dish Network offers free equipment upgrades to help you get a digital video recorder or HDTV. Cable doesn't bother.

So how is Dish Network able to deliver so much more while charging so much less money? The answer is simple: Dish Network doesn't rely on cables to deliver it's programming. Dish Network's digital television signals are sent from a broadcasting station on the Earth's surface up to satellites orbiting 25,000 miles above the equator. The satellites bounce the signals back to the Earth where they can be picked up by anyone who has a satellite dish and receiver capable of decoding them. The electromagnetic waves that carry the signals are essentially free and don't have any inherent limit on the amount of data they can carry. Cables on the other hand cost money to buy and install, and will always be limited in the amount of data they can carry. In other words, while cable companies struggle to improve their infrastructure to meet the constantly growing demand for more data intensive TV technology, Dish Network can simply concentrate on finding better ways to deliver that technology to it's customers.

Another advantage that Dish Network has is that it operates on a greater scale. Most cable companies are local affairs which means that each company operates in a limited area with limited customers. Those limited customers have to bear the brunt of all of the costs associated with running the business. Dish Network on the other hand is a nationwide company that spreads it's administrative costs out over it's 12 million customers. This means that Dish Network costs less to run for each customer than cable and the savings can be passed on to the customers and used to improve programming and technology. Also because of the fact that Dish Network's satellites are broadcasting their signals everywhere, there's no limit on the number of people who can sign up for the service. All you need to get Dish Network service is a place where you can set up a dish and aim it at a patch of sky to the south. But if you want cable TV service and you're too far out of town, you're simply out of luck.

To give credit where credit is due, cable providers are trying to catch up, but considering the disadvantages of their technology and their business model they're simply too far behind. Satellite TV companies like Dish Network will continue to move forward in meeting the high demands of television enthusiasts everywhere.

Author Bio

W. King writes articles for consumers who want to find the best Dish Network Offers currently available. She has written for many major publications about the latest satellite TV deals and promotions and how buyers can find the best discounts.

Article Source:

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Getting Out of Jury Duty

Legitimate Excuses for Getting Out of Jury Duty
By Kelsey Barnett

While most individuals are less than keen on the idea of serving on jury duty, there are a limited number of viable excuses that actually allow them to get out of it. For that reason, it’s important for anyone who believes they might not be able to serve to review the list of viable excuses and make sure their excuse is listed. Otherwise, you may be required to present a specific case and reason for being excused to the court workers or even the judge.

Initially, if you do have a good reason to get out of jury duty, you can write to the court via the questionnaire and relate your reason for requesting an exemption. However, if you wait too long, you will be required to complete the call in process until you are selected to visit the courthouse, at which time you can present your reasons for being unable to serve in person.

The first reason an individual might try to get out of jury duty is if they are older than 70 years old. This is the simplest way to get out of jury duty as proof of age is all that’s required. Another common way is if you are responsible for the care of children or the elderly. Proving this is also relatively simple but might require further phone conversations. Regardless, if you have children and are called for jury duty, it is highly feasible that you can get out of it.

Additionally, members of the volunteer firefighter or ambulance crews are given leave to excuse themselves from jury duty. Already serving more than their fair civic duty, they are immediately excused.

If your role in a business is so vital that your absence could cause failure to the business, you are also exempt from jury duty. This often applies to those who own small businesses and cannot replace themselves in the workplace for as long as a trial might take. Other occupations that are exempt include attorneys, doctors, nurses and dentists. Each of these professions is a vital part of society and therefore excused from jury duty.

If you are physically incapable of reaching the courthouse, you are also exempt. Initially, this means that you do not have a car and cannot use the bus or other form of public transportation. However, it extends to include exemptions for disabilities as well.

Most excuses that require explanation must be made at the courthouse during the jury selection process. These include any excuses made on the behalf of family care or work responsibilities. You will need to report for the selection process and make your argument there.

Ultimately, it is unwise to openly ignore a jury duty summons. Because it is a demand from the court and not a request, it is your legal obligation to honor it or present an excuse that they accept for not honoring it. If you choose to ignore the summons, you could be subject to criminal prosecution.

What if there are ways to avoid jury duty legally. Wouldn't it save all your time and hassle of going through the whole process.

If you feel like there is just too much on your plate right now to even think of going for jury duty, then you need help.

Discover the strategy that hundreds have already put to good use at

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Military Car Packages - Help Our Troops!

Send Military Care Packages To Help Our Troops
By Bill Huckstep

Our military troops serving our country overseas are the most advanced well trained troops in the world. These troops have to be on guard 24/7 to fight an enemy that does not fight a normal war. I know at times the task seems hard and they grow weary keeping guard up. Some times the only thing that keeps them going is the thought of returning home after doing the task set before them. Our troops need to know we care about them and let them know how muck we appreciate their sacrifice and service to our country.

One thing we can do is keep them in our prayers. Another thing is to send them items filled with their favorite treats and goodies. Also write them a note from time to time expressing how much we appreciate them sacrifice.

Care packages are a great morale booster to our troops stationed overseas or here at home. I know from experience when I was in the US army how great it was to get a package of treats to share with my fellow soldiers. Our military troops deployed in third world countries lack many items they would like to have. At times it may not be what we think they need but I am sure some body will need it. they can trade or share with others to get what they need. They might also use these treat and items to gain the trust of people in Iraq or Afghanistan. A variety of items from candy, cookies, snack crackers, books, and inspirational books and uplifting messages can be found in the care packages.

If you need a blessing or want to be a blessing to someone else may have what you or your loved one may need.


The family members of our troops sacrifice much so that their loved one can serve. Sending a military gift basket may be the most important thing we do for our troops. We can all be a blessing to their families with the treats for troops idea.

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Play Video Games Online

Play Video Games Online
By Jesse Miller

Video Games

A console with premium chrome finish, a wireless controller, Has a hard drive and AV cables, The Ethernet cable allows you to connect with the other players, and the hard drive that contains an array of original games and allows you to download even more games.


Sony promises to make a media center for your living roooom. Sony"s new proprietary Blu-ray disc can hold more than five DVDs worth of content online capability wireless connection to the PSP support up to seven game controllersand finally, exciting and stunning new video games whose release are lined up to coincide with the release of Playstation 3.

Design Games

When programmers design games specifically for the PSP, they are sometimes referred to as Homebrew Games. There are a lot of games designed with playing cards. These days, a huge number of websites and online sources of games designed for mobile phones continuously offer better and more exciting games at affordable prices, and the selection can cater to a wide range of players.

Computer Games

Many artists contributed to computer games in more recent times. Often as we see the developers of computer games and genres they choose seems as if they take quite a bit of potential future Technologies and weave them into the game. Well, with online games, you can truly compete with the best there is. If you want to play free slot machine games online, you will find no shortage of types of games.

Power Games

At this time, we have the chance to have love and brotherhood form the basis of our existence
instead of our habitual money and power games. The other issue is more complex and is
based largely on the economics and power games of man"s ambitions.

Kids Games

Sports facilities, pools, kids games, and more await you. There are many card games easy for kids right up complicated ones for teenagers and adults. So take your time and enjoy.

This is just some ideas that went through my head of ideas for games.... to get more ideas go to

To get your Free Halo 3 game news Cick Here

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Apple IPods

Apple Ipods- Cool Cash For Apple
By David Faulkner

From the time the first Apple iPods appeared in 2001, to the fifth generation iPod video with it 80GB capacity, Apple iPods have relentlessly wormed (excuse the choice of words) their ways into the must-have vocabulary of those below the age of twenty-five. Apple iPods are no longer luxury toys; they have become the “to die for” technology of their targeted demographic.

And what exactly was involved in bringing the Apple iPod to the forefront of brand recognition in the six years of its existence? What the genius behind the iPod marketing strategy? The short answer is that if you build a better mousetrap, you’ll get grateful mouse haters who buy it and put it in the basement to do its work. But if you build a really cool mousetrap, which looks good enough to hang on a chain and dangle from your neck, you just may attract a crowd who have no particular problem with mice but are determined to have the world admire their cool.

Apple iPod Benefit Marketing

While it helped that the original Apple iPod actually did something a little more appealing than catch mice, the benefits it offered to consumers were available in several other brands of mp3 players. Enter benefit marketing, a classic form of advertising which emphasizes some particular aspects of a product, hinting that they are newer, or bigger, or more improved than the same aspects of competing products.

If a manufacturer is actually lucky enough to come up with a completely new benefit, it cab build a benefit marketing plan to distinguish a product from several competing ones. If the public buys the marketing, that product is the winning ticket to the Marketing Lottery Powerball Jackpot.

The Apple iPod came into the world loaded with the next best thing to sex appeal: coolness. The iPod was still in its infancy when it became suspended from countless Hollywood, rock star, and athletic necks. It became a signature wardrobe item for numerous television series and films targeted at the under twenty-five audience; and Apple was right there to capitalize on the free advertising.

The Big Names wanted to bask what they perceived as the coolness of Apple iPods, and Apple used the Big Names to persuade the rest of us that the iPods were as cool as the Big Names perceived them to be. They succeeded beyond their wildest dreams, and the iPod has ascended to the stratosphere of the mp3 market.

The temperature in the stratosphere, by the way, is about 26.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Cool, indeed.

You can also find more info on Ipod Accessories and Ipod Battery. is a comprehensive resource to know about iPods.

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Effective Parenting Skills

Effective Parenting Skills - Kids Learn A Lot of Skills From The World Of Play
By Ken Mathie

For children, play is their work. It is naturally enjoyable, of course, but more than that, it is their way of learning about the world. It helps them naturally engage in things that interest them. Therefore, play should be led by the child or at least inspired by the child, in order for it to remain relevant and meaningful to them.

When children are at play in a positive fashion, they happily lose themselves in what they are doing. They live in their own realm of imagination and can explore and examine at leisure. Many times, they can pull their parents in by saying, "Lets play, mom," and mom, too, then can enter into that childlike world once again.

In addition to children, young infants also immerse themselves in play activities. They do so because they need to make sense of the world around them. Play gives very young children the means to experience the world through their own eyes, which is vital for their development. Peekaboo is one such game; although this simply seems silly and fun to adults, babies rejoice in the surprise they feel every time they see the faces of the people they love reemerge over and over.

Stages of Play

As toddlers, children experience a growth spurt and a rapid increase in motor development. Because of this, they are driven to manually explore literally everything they can get their hands on. They can fiddle with everything from a construction toy to the box it came in. Toddlers also explore the world by continually babbling as they learn the language they were born into. They can also dance spontaneously, and wiggle with absolute joy or imitate finger plays with mom and dad.

As preschoolers, children began to do what is called "parallel play," in which they play alongside peers but not necessarily with them. As children get older, they actually begin to interact with peers in their play, so that friends become fully involved in their ongoing imaginative games. Increased ability, both physical and motor, as well as imaginative, allows them to extend their play from indoors to out, from simple play with stuffed animals to table games, to dramatic games and outdoor activities.

Benefits of Play

As stated above, play is no laughing matter, even though it is, of course, fun. In fact, play is simply a childrens way of exploring and making sense of the world. Therefore, it is really necessary. Some reasons why include:

1. Play is absolute pure and utter joy.

For the toddler who uses the empty box as a car and imagines driving down the highway just as mom or dad does going to work, imaginative play helps him understand mom and dad's world from his point of view. And of course, he exhibits a sheer joy when he does this that many adults may be slightly envious of.

2. Play develops socio-emotional learning.

As children play, they develop competence, confidence and independence in the new situations they encounter there. The 10-month-old who shrieks with joy at her stuffed toy and a 10-year-old playing basketball with his friends both are learning age-appropriate rules and social norms in the process. The baby learns to wait for her toy with patience, while the boy learns to deal with the possibility of losing the game, and with being a good sport regardless.

3. Play develops physical and motor development.

Because play often encompasses the use of every sense, including the body and use of the extremities, children not only exercise their minds, but their bodies as well; they develop physical strength, ease of movement, and balance and coordination.

Perceptual motor ability, which is the capacity to coordinate what you perceive with how you move, is a basic skill every preschooler needs to develop. Three-year-olds do this by digging, scooping and pouring sand into a container, which helps them develop a sense of balance between the perception of the space in front of them and hand movements, so that he follows through properly with the appropriate motor activity.

4. Play helps develop cognitive learning.

Play is very important to a child's intellectual development. To learn properly, children need to learn to decipher words, numbers and other forms of higher intellectual functioning. When children are very young, symbols will not mean anything to them, because young children have not yet learned to make the leap in reasoning that abstract thinking requires. Play helps teach children to understand these symbolic relationships better in ways that are truly fun and meaningful to them. For example, a child can play when he or she learns that two plus three equals five. This can be done, for example, by having a parent sit down with several blocks and showing the child by an arrangement on the table just what two plus three equals five entails. You can start by grouping two blocks together and three blocks together and then push them together to say, "Equals five." In this way, the child learns to translate abstract concepts like addition into very concrete examples that he or she can understand.

Older children, similarly, can learn things like math concepts such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, by doing game scores. Applying these types of skills to practical applications is what will help children of any age learn best.

5. Play enhances language development.

Beginning with infants and toddlers, play can help facilitate language development. Toddlers especially will need to be immersed in language continually so that they can imitate what they hear, although this is also important for infants. Children who have learned to speak learn best from songs and rhymes that are both fun and educational, in that the songs use rhyme, alliteration and consonance, for example, so that they are easy to remember, fun and very easy to imitate. This helps children begin to understand how language works.

When children play with toys, adults can facilitate learning by modeling how they can use language to label objects or describe an event. When they play, preschoolers use language to interact with each other, communicate ideas, and can also learn information by listening to older children and adults teach them things.

6. Play encourages creativity.

With very young children, imagination is the way to go. Young children can use imagination to learn just about anything. Suddenly, simple play clay becomes spaghetti with meat sauce, a blanket becomes Superman's cape, or an overturned coffee can becomes a makeshift drum. Just about whatever children wish to express can be done through play. In this way, they can master what they know through practice and then show new skills off, express themselves, and create endlessly.

7. Play provides opportunities to bond between the child and another person, such as parent and child.

Play is vitally important in a childrens development. It lets children interact with others, experiment, and can even help with moral development. Parents can use play to encourage and support their children's development.

To start, let your child take the lead in the play. Let the child initiate the activity, set the theme of play, and establish parameters. In this way, play is a venue for children to be in control in a world where they are so often controlled by others. This helps develop competency and a sense of mastery in the child that better helps him or her develop confidence later in life. It is also a perfect opportunity to let your childrens unique talents develop.

You can help your child develop his sense of competency by allowing him to figure things out for himself, without pressure or a sense of "right" or "wrong." For example, if a child is learning how to figure out a puzzle, stop yourself from helping at first. Let the child literally "puzzle" over the puzzle without any interference from you. Not only will the child figure it out eventually, but he may even come up with more creative ways to use the puzzle than you could have thought of. When the task has been completed successfully, congratulate the child on a job well done.

As you play with your child, watch your child for signals as to what he or she needs you to do. Do you need to be an active participant in the activity? Do you need to provide some encouragement? Is it time to gently stop the activity, clean up and have lunch, if the child is hungry?

Whatever needs to be done, it's true that although you let the child take the lead, you can maintain control of the situation enough so that you have ultimate control over when it starts and stops and what happens during it.

8. Have a play plan.

If possible, have a loose plan in place for you and your child to spend time playing together each day. One good way to do this is to use your childrens self-care chores to begin to play together. For example, brushing teeth or washing the face does not have to be all business. You can use brushing the teeth (along with the childrens imagination), to encourage the child to have fun during the process. Similarly, you can use washing my face as a brief opportunity to play peekaboo, if time permits.

You can also do this with household chores. Children love to help, and this is a perfect opportunity to begin to foster a sense of responsibility to the outside world. Let your toddler use his or her own toy vacuum cleaner to "help" you vacuum when you do. When you fold clothes, give him or her a couple of pieces of toweling to fold and play with. When you wash dishes, save a couple of unbreakable pieces out and let the child play in soapy water and begin to learn how to wash dishes.

In this way, the child begins to learn a sense of responsibility along with the sense of play. Older siblings and grandparents, too, can learn to foster this in the child as they are included in your play "plan of action." Discount Baby Clothes, Gifts and Toys Australia" - The online baby & kids clothing boutique where we connect you with...The best available price for, kids clothing, baby wear, designer baby clothing, designer kids clothing, boutique babywear, blankets, shoes & boots, nursery equipment, nappies, baby gifts, bags, bibs, books, feeding, toys, and MUCH MORE! Discount Baby Clothes Click Here Now

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