Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Do You Want Happiness? by Marivic Malinao

Yes, everyone, without exception wants to have happiness but, what constitutes happiness? How do we obtain it? How to obtain happiness differs from person to person. Happiness as viewed by some people, is something to become, it is something to be. It is the end of the rainbow, a pot of gold, and most unfortunate people spend a lifetime chasing rainbows, chasing what is in the external that they will never find because happiness is something that resides within.

Happiness is a fleeting thing. Men crave for happiness, so they work very hard day and night to gain happiness. Despite hard work oftentimes, they find happiness further than nearer to what they have tried to. It is feasible to think that happiness, misery, wealth and poverty are relative terms. One may be rich but unhappy; another may be poor but happy. Rich people cleave to their wealth foolishly and their catastrophe is their inability to rise above their wealth. The poor desire for material things, if they fail, they live with resentment. Thus, with the poor and the rich, happiness is not found in either case.

Happiness is a state of mind. It cannot be found in the material things around us. All the money in the world cannot buy happiness. Pleasure is not happiness. It is just a passing show. It can be bought, but not happiness. No one is said to be happy unless he is contented with himself. 'It has been my observation,' says Abraham Lincoln, 'that people are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be (K. Sri Dhammananda, Why Worry?, l996).'

To restate, happiness differs from people to people; for me, happiness is having a good night sleep on soft pillows, fresh cotton linens and when I woke up, fresh orange juice to say hello to a new day. A good night sleep brings "happiness like a perfume that you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself (l996)." The real source of happiness is the mind, a controlled and cultured mind. Get rid of your desires and you will be free from unhappiness.

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Article Source: Do You Want Happiness?

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