Monday, May 3, 2010

Focusing on Your Goals in Life Requires Commitment and Faith by Goalspot

Everyone of has goals in life, ambitions and dreams that we all want to pursue passionately, whether it is going back to college and getting your degree, or moving up in your job or career, taking a family vacation, that you have not taken in years, or starting your own home home business, all requires time, and faith that you will actually realize your goals.

I've been helping private industry and individuals for over 10 years now in goal setting. In everyone I have ever mentored and coached, I always receive the same questions in how do you get there. Many people have an idea of what they want to do in life-the problem is executing a SMART goal plan so you can start charting the road-map for your journey. When you think of goals and goal setting, remember the word FOCUS, and apply the individual letters to your own scenario.


In anything you do in life, you have to focus in following your plan, that means doing and concentrating what is in front of you. It is easy to be distracted during the course of the day or the week, but you have got to get in the habit of prioritizing and focusing upon your tasks at hand in accomplishing them. Don't put off tomorrow what you can and need to do today, procrastinating not only keeps you not focused, it makes you lazy which is not a good characteristic trait, which only reflects poorly on you.


Observe and take note of what you are doing. So many times people just do things so automatically whether you are at work on the job, or in your personal relationships relationships, that it is easy not to take notice and reflect upon what you are doing. Take note and reflect why you are doing what you are doing, think through what you have to do, knowing that you are moving yourself forward in achieving your goals.


Be open to embrace change if and when needed, People by default are creatures of habit, nobody likes change, people resist and fears change because change is the great unknown. If you've always done something a certain way, and know you are forced to change how you go about doing something, then it is easily to be influenced in your thinking. However you have to keep in my mind, that change does not mean defeat, or failure in your life, change can be good bad or indifferent, it is your attitude most of all that determines whether you will be successful and succeed in your goals or not. You have to be willing to accept and embrace change in your life so you are able to rise above and grow from this experience.


You also need to understand your strengths, weaknesses and limitations. This is healthy. If your math skills are poor at best, I think it is safe to say you're not going to pursue a career in accounting. If you're struggling in public speaking, or writing as an example, and your employer requires you to be a wiz in both, then maybe you need to recognize that you need to improve in these areas by taking an employee sponsored training addressing your weaknesses here. Recognizing and understanding your limitations is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength and maturity because you are taking the necessary steps and actions to improve in areas that you find challenging.


Submit and Surrender your life to God your prayers, and have the hope and faith to trust in Him in believing in Him to help you not only in your goal setting tasks at work or at home but for everything in life. Matthew 6:34, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, then all these things shall be added unto you." By putting all your trust, hope and faith in the Lord our God, he will guide you through your life, in being your spiritual and moral compass in life.

Article Source: Focusing on Your Goals in Life Requires Commitment and Faith

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