Sunday, May 2, 2010

Does Clutter Bog You Down? by MyDeclutterQueen

In your heart of hearts do you know that your clutter, both physical and mental, is bringing you down from the person that you know that you can be? Do you see your passion for life being washed down the drain with the dishwater? Do you know that you really DO deserve more than what you have right now, and I'm not just talking about "stuff'". I'm talking about the way that you are living your life. Do you know that you are not supposed to be this stressed out all of the time? That your health should not take a back seat to everything else. That there should be 20-30 minutes each day for yourself and just can't figure out why all of this clutter gets in the way?

I have been there right along with you. I used to think about why things couldn't change for me. Why did my life have to be so cluttered, stressful and unbelievably chaotic. Most of my problem was my mindset - all of the clutter that was going on in my mind that kept me thinking in the negative and caused anxiety that even required medication.

When I decided that things had to change, everything changed. I realized that I was and still am in charge of my life, the decisions that I make and that I can't make decisions for anyone else. The coolest part is that when I changed my mindset, it was easy to realize who was on board (and should continue being allowed in my space) and who was not on board, and that I needed to let them go from my life. I stopped the constant replay of events over and over in my head that were negative clutter and consistently brought me down to a place that was not healthy.

Clutter is not simply is mentally a part of our everyday life. It is time for us, as a society to make a change our minds about how we are living our lives and become in tune to ourselves.

Living without your physical clutter doesn't mean that you have to live in a clear, pristine, sterile environment and in total perfection. It means that you can find what you need when you need it and you have space within your home that will allow you to be creative and open doors for new ideas and possibilities. It will allow you to see a bright and clear path to the future that you may not have even known that you wanted. Being organized will transform your life.

Here are some ways to determine if you should let something (or someone) go from your life. I know because I have experienced this before and although it seemed hard at the time, it really did open doors because the clutter was overwhelming my life, my space and my creativity.

If something or someone is weighing you down, hurting you or holding you back - let them go.

If you talk to yourself continuously with conversations such as "Should I let it go? Should I keep it? Does it make you feel guilty? Then let it is time.

If order to rid yourself of the mental clutter that is stopping you from becoming the "True You", make the step to rid yourself of what is getting in your way. This will open the door to ridding yourself of the physical clutter and change your life.

Article Source: Does Clutter Bog You Down?

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